I love that whimsical bird on the quarter sawn oak mantle shelf! As I fished around (not like the kid) in college for a new major after an ignominious exit from engineering, testing was performed to guide me. The “Strong Vocational Interest Blank” pegged me as a “magician performer.” That’s true! How could I make this up?🙃

Unlike you, deciding to accept and love the adventure of choosing a new major, I mostly felt discombobulated! With only the SVIB “magician” notion, I was more governed by fear. My decision to study psychology mostly felt like being led blindfolded onto a diving board. And hoping there was water below! I didn’t drown.

Now, decades after all the churning, and finally learning to appreciate life’s lessons (even seeking out a few), everything you wrote today made sense! Sobering up in AA, more than once I heard “We were reborn.” Not in a religious sense, but as learning to live life on a new basis. After a number of years, if I tried to revisit the past, I had the sense of it being just a very awful dream. Someone else’s life.

I’m grateful today for being able to follow the lessons of the Muses and seeing how one’s life intersects with others. Appreciating the nuances Gail fleshes out from her journey to live out loud and share the results with us. I might even say:


Atrocious? Far from it! Happy Thursday one and all.

And thanks once again for your energy and commitment to living boldly, honestly, and out loud, Gail.

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I can understand how “magician performer” would have been a head scratcher… and easily dismissed by a young man, or woman!

I’ve gone around for much of my life thinking I’m not creative. How silly is that? Life gives us an entire art kit when we’re born… every choice a line, dot, or stroke. And here I though life “happened to me”. We have so much more agency than I was aware of!

Supercalifragilisticexpualudocious! Yes!

What a joy to be here together!

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You triggered my jukebox with “joy to be here together.” Song by The Turtles “So Happy Together.” The final stanza goes:

So happy together

How is the weather

So happy together

Happy together

So happy together

We’re happy together

So happy together

So happy together (ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba)

You must admit, The Turtles we’re frugal with word choices and avoided convoluted sentence structure. And the sheep imitation at the end was priceless!

I should note, the rest of the preceding stanzas are a teenage crush love song. Just the same, I think you’d be hard pressed to find any followers who don’t love you in the philia sense of the word.

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Celebrating 🥳 32 years on the 4th of July…

My “Independence” day! #ODAAT 😎

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Ah, I vaguely remember the SVIB. I forget exactly what it came up with for me, but my reaction was, "Well, duh!"

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SVIB? A vocational test?

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Yes! Since it was a “fishing expedition” to help one find and chart a career path, it seems appropriate the the last word is “Blank.” Strong Vocational Interest Blank. Now there are (of course) online versions. Since careers aren’t all what they were in 1968, I wonder what suggestions would appear today? 🙃

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I think Urania filled in the ovals every time we took the Meyers-Briggs. 😂

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Glimpses of Cal and Tal notwithstanding! 😉

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I am sure I heard trumpets… 🎺🎺🎺 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

#Cure 😎

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Onward toward CURE!

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SIGN: “Your crazy is showing. You might want to tuck that back in.” 😁

Love the rocklet! That's something Deb & I like to do, leave odd (cheap) stuff in unexpected places. Small coins are also good (always heads up, so people know they're lucky).

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All you need to be able to let that crazy stand out is a few muses and a dog. 😂

Bobby has been working on nature art which is really cool. I saw a picture on Twitter that looked like a mandala.

Just a small gift… from one friend to another. 💜♥️💚

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Love your sense of humor!

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“The first rule of magic is… don’t ask permission.” Love this Gail! Yea for meaty blood. All the best with the next rounds. I'm off to Kenya next week so won't be doing much email. oxox

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