Urania read aloud from a book of poetry. “The first rule of magic is… don’t ask permission.”
Adding her own zest, Thalia’s tulle flounced as she pirouetted around the room. “Pay no heed to gatekeepers! Like water… find ways around or through them.”
“Magician does paint a whole different mind picture than unreasonable.” Calliope’s gaze followed a cardinal making its way from a cedar to an oak. “George Bernard Shaw said, ‘The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one magician persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man magician.’”
“Hmmm…” Thalia’s gears meshed and clicked. “Be more magician.”
Words from Typist:
Sound the trumpets!
My blood was meaty on all counts.
I’ve been infused with my new chemo cocktail.
One of the new drugs is bright red — going in and coming out. 😂
This means I have 3 chemo treatments left, administered at 3 week intervals.
Thank you for being with me through C.
You help me to shift my focus, finding light in what could be dark — magic in the unreasonable.
Here’s the book of poetry Urania read from:
Dwelling Place — reflections on divine appreciation and conversations with spirit
I love that whimsical bird on the quarter sawn oak mantle shelf! As I fished around (not like the kid) in college for a new major after an ignominious exit from engineering, testing was performed to guide me. The “Strong Vocational Interest Blank” pegged me as a “magician performer.” That’s true! How could I make this up?🙃
Unlike you, deciding to accept and love the adventure of choosing a new major, I mostly felt discombobulated! With only the SVIB “magician” notion, I was more governed by fear. My decision to study psychology mostly felt like being led blindfolded onto a diving board. And hoping there was water below! I didn’t drown.
Now, decades after all the churning, and finally learning to appreciate life’s lessons (even seeking out a few), everything you wrote today made sense! Sobering up in AA, more than once I heard “We were reborn.” Not in a religious sense, but as learning to live life on a new basis. After a number of years, if I tried to revisit the past, I had the sense of it being just a very awful dream. Someone else’s life.
I’m grateful today for being able to follow the lessons of the Muses and seeing how one’s life intersects with others. Appreciating the nuances Gail fleshes out from her journey to live out loud and share the results with us. I might even say:
Atrocious? Far from it! Happy Thursday one and all.
And thanks once again for your energy and commitment to living boldly, honestly, and out loud, Gail.
I am sure I heard trumpets… 🎺🎺🎺 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
#Cure 😎