
A note from LoveLetterist:

A couple of days ago I picked up a few dead leaves and brought them home. As Thalia noted, she saw elephant ears. The leaf was too big for a piece of paper so I got out some sidewalk chalk that was tucked away in a garage cabinet. Childlike? Heck yeah!

This morning I spied a teeny-tiny spider that had strung a web about two feet long from the Keurig to a kitchen chair. How'd it do that???

What tiny marvels are you finding?

This morning my friend Jerry posted a meme over on LinkedIn that resonated with me. Maybe you'll see yourself in it, too.


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We just got back from a 5K Race. They handed out medals that were made of wood...beautiful, handmade. Anyways, my son placed his in the back of the trunk. When I went to grab it for him there was a tiny little brown spider sitting on it. I was so happy I spotted it and took a moment to marvel at it's shape, size, and placement on the wood. He blended right in. I was happy to find the little guy and place back outside.

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I set our spider outside, too. 😁 Then later while vacuuming, sucked up some of its fellows. 🤷‍♀️

Hope yog had a great time at the race. How great that your son runs too!

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Oct 2, 2023·edited Oct 2, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

oops...that happens too.

We had a great time at the race and met so many new friends. My daughter and I ran it together, she told me at the end "I ran so I could get the food after, I love food." HA! I laughed so hard. My daughter is nine.

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Here’s the thing… It wasn’t an oops. If I relocated all of the spiders and insects in my house I’d go mad. Currently all manner of vermin are moving in looking for a winter home. 🤷‍♀️

I likely only related to and rescued the one because she dazzled me.

Humans! We are a fascinating lot!

I’m with your daughter! My exercise is fueled by a life of food. 😋

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Gotcha! It sounded like an oops...but I hear ya. There is no way I could save them all...I do my best though. :)

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I love that you do! 💜

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

“And I, I took the road less traveled”

Robert Frost

Jerry’s post and illustration quickly brought that to mind.

Just as your embrace of your path forward. 😊

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Oh! And if you can Zoom in on the leaf you'll see it's texture and pointillist design. I have no idea what kind of plant it is. When the wind blows, and moves the lot of them, it creates a beautiful sound.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

I can hear the crinkling tumbling now!

The sound of leaves skipping?

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

I can’t remember ever using sidewalk chalk?! The vicarious experience of yours is still fine. 😊

I always think of martial arts when I hear Bruce Lee’s name, but the quote you shared says so much more about him.

This elephant will surely catch folk’s eyes next Saturday! As Lee declared, “There are only plateaus and you must not stay there. You must move on.”

I hear the elephant’s padding feet. 😉

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I won’t be bringing the elephant with me next Saturday. That’d take a jackhammer and repairs to our concrete walkway. 😂

Am I the elephant?

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

A thought on jackhammers & repairs: saws with diamond blades can cut out a clean rectangle from your driveway, with little chance of harming the art. 😊 Filling in the missing concrete allows still another opportunity for art: finish the repair with a layer of “tabby concrete.” (Rabbit hole opportunity)

You ask: “Am I the elephant?” Any polite fellow well knows not to answer in the affirmative!” 😁

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Smart chap!

Although I’ve heard elephants are amazing creatures with a lot of emphasis on matriarch leaders. 🤔

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

On that (matriarchal leaders) I heartily agree. In their natural habitat I see them as an example of a healthy community. All ages, mutual defense, gathering around their deceased members.

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