“I tohhhhh-ld you the leaf would maaaak a per-fect elephant ear!” Thalia tosses an acorn at the glass ceiling moon.
Calliope brushes chalk dust from her fingers. “Nicely… done.”
“Let us at ‘em.” Urania works on a flyer for next Saturday’s book signing. “Keep going.”
If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life.
There are no limits.
There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.
~Bruce Lee
A note from LoveLetterist:
A couple of days ago I picked up a few dead leaves and brought them home. As Thalia noted, she saw elephant ears. The leaf was too big for a piece of paper so I got out some sidewalk chalk that was tucked away in a garage cabinet. Childlike? Heck yeah!
This morning I spied a teeny-tiny spider that had strung a web about two feet long from the Keurig to a kitchen chair. How'd it do that???
What tiny marvels are you finding?
This morning my friend Jerry posted a meme over on LinkedIn that resonated with me. Maybe you'll see yourself in it, too.
Oh! And if you can Zoom in on the leaf you'll see it's texture and pointillist design. I have no idea what kind of plant it is. When the wind blows, and moves the lot of them, it creates a beautiful sound.