What energy in today’s post! And the opportunity to peer inside writer’s mind. I’m grateful you are comfortable sharing the challenges, and strengths, of your author activities.
Your comments on short works of prose implies that a “book” on a similar subject is a different matter. From my viewpoint, your accounts of c, from initial diagnosis to where your care is today, your accounts have focused on occurrences, discrete events, short stories that can mostly stand on their own legs.
To become a book, what’s the glue that unifies them? Preserves logical continuity? I believe “c” is that glue. Perhaps chapters are well written accounts of individual occurrences for the most part. Perhaps at the end of a chapter, simply adding “Next” to the bottom corner of the last page would highlight the continuity? Or a variant of “Kilroy,” the WW II character that became ubiquitous, peering over an open book? At the following chapter... Okay, cheesy, I know. You can guffaw out loud now. 😉
Simplifying, your “c” book is simply writing more than one chapter?🤷🏽 You might alternate between occurrence chapters followed by “what is Gail thinking, feeling, & deciding” chapters. Short monologues? Bridges to the next occurrence chapter. Or just the opposite perhaps?
Jack Be Nimble, Jack be quick, poked his eye with the candlestick! A not so subtle allusion to my foregoing advice! 😬
Am I up to anything worth a word? “Beauty’s in the eye of the beholder...” over time I’ve become a low profile member of a multi-faceted community on Twitter. All shapes and sizes. One thread in my participation deals with folks battling “C.” Not by any design. At first the interest arose from what folks had to say. Or love for critters, etc. In no small way, Gail, how you chose to be with your own journey led me to choose being kind and supportive. I next learned that many of the “C” fighters were connected with each other as well. A post to one showed me their community.
Without writing chapters (Twitter has a way of precluding that🙃) I find that offering a few authentic kind words rarely fails to get a response. Some ask for words to reassure them. Some want to be heard. Some invite prayers from their followers. Nothing is all that different from what we want either. Connection. Loving kindness. A funny joke to make us cackle. I can’t think of anything other than the feeling of electronic, human connection (irony intended 😉) that I want from these exchanges.
This community, lead by typist, paintist, authoress, has modeled their care and kindness to one another. Thanks for the inspiration!
Hmmm… thank you for your suggestions. Through a number of conversations, I’ve been led to the idea of casting “relationship” into the hero role of my story… I/Thou. That opens up opportunities to tell my part of the story while inviting in other perspectives. Simmering! 🥘
I love that you are supporting c patients over on Twitter… at 240 characters or less! 💜
“It’s gotta be a mindset gulley that we’ve yet to pull ourselves out of. 🤔” ~Typist
“Mindset Gully”
Sounds a lot like a “rut.”
Speaking of ruts...
What is a rut with the ends kicked in?
Yep, you guessed it, a GRAVE!
A grave is the place unacted upon ideas go to die... it’s where unchallenged self-limiting beliefs reside. It’s where unwritten songs and books live. Earth shattering ideas that seemed too far fetched or out there to follow through on...
But not the readers of this love letter. Nope!
They know better because between Typist, The Girl’s, and the Community, we get all the inspiration, information, and encouragement needed to eliminate our self-limiting beliefs, embrace our inner-childhood creative genius, and banish our inner-critic and befriend our inner-coach!
I wonder if Typist and The Girls saw all that before it happened? I hear Typist is great at Visualization!
Oh, BTW, did I mention I have every intention of nicking your phrase for myself to use as I see fit?
Have you recently found yourself in that most horrific of places, “the mindset gully?” Is your inner-critic getting the best of your conversations?
Does your gully look more like a canyon than a gully? If so, there’s a solution, it’s not some program or some expert, nope, the answer is YOU!
All you have to do is invite your inner-coach to the conversation and you’ll be gully-jumping in no time! If you’re still struggling after that, let me know, I’m aware of a couple bloggers with some very unique friends that will have you straightened out in no time! 😉
We all have them… personal and generational. I know I’ve written about them before and paired the story with a photo of a well-worn, leaf-strewn trail.
Thank you! It was fun to read the piece again… and to remember having that conversation with my dad.
I followed that up with another Valentine’s Day piece about Aunt Lou and Uncle Howard. He contracted TB during the war, spent years in a sanatorium, and was saved by the discovery of streptomycin if so remember correctly.
I personally loved the “Rosie The Riveter” part and the way everyone naturally pitched in for the cause… Were those the “good ole days” everyone alludes to, or is it just a romanticized memory? 🤔
Go for it Gail! Word by word. I have challenged myself to do a weekly Substack (look what you’ve started), my deadline for at least setting it up is Friday! This week!!
Good luck with the article Gail. I recently started a new paid story on Substack, The Peace Lily Murders. I'm praying that I get more subscribers with this story but will except it if I don't. After all, I'm no Stephen King.
That is an excellent question! So I went to find out… and yes! I do have a YT channel. Perhaps you automatically get a channel when you set up an account? I haven’t posted anything there.
Do you have a YT channel Jack?
And… A great big welcome to 3mm. I’m glad you are here. 😊
Sorry, I don't use YT much, I have no intention of attempting to monetize, and essentially it's a place I dump short videos to share with friends and family when I don't bother with my own cloud site. So what's up there now is all there is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
1034 words in less than a day--if only I were so prolific! I like your mindset gulley better than mine, Gail. It's all perspective.
It is ALL perspective! We can make our world, or break our world by our thoughts… I have no idea who said that. 😂 I’m NOT going to fret about it.
Way to put yourself out there and give back. :)
Thanks DW! Yes... I want relationship to be the hero of my c experience/story and it feels great to give back!
What energy in today’s post! And the opportunity to peer inside writer’s mind. I’m grateful you are comfortable sharing the challenges, and strengths, of your author activities.
Your comments on short works of prose implies that a “book” on a similar subject is a different matter. From my viewpoint, your accounts of c, from initial diagnosis to where your care is today, your accounts have focused on occurrences, discrete events, short stories that can mostly stand on their own legs.
To become a book, what’s the glue that unifies them? Preserves logical continuity? I believe “c” is that glue. Perhaps chapters are well written accounts of individual occurrences for the most part. Perhaps at the end of a chapter, simply adding “Next” to the bottom corner of the last page would highlight the continuity? Or a variant of “Kilroy,” the WW II character that became ubiquitous, peering over an open book? At the following chapter... Okay, cheesy, I know. You can guffaw out loud now. 😉
Simplifying, your “c” book is simply writing more than one chapter?🤷🏽 You might alternate between occurrence chapters followed by “what is Gail thinking, feeling, & deciding” chapters. Short monologues? Bridges to the next occurrence chapter. Or just the opposite perhaps?
Jack Be Nimble, Jack be quick, poked his eye with the candlestick! A not so subtle allusion to my foregoing advice! 😬
Am I up to anything worth a word? “Beauty’s in the eye of the beholder...” over time I’ve become a low profile member of a multi-faceted community on Twitter. All shapes and sizes. One thread in my participation deals with folks battling “C.” Not by any design. At first the interest arose from what folks had to say. Or love for critters, etc. In no small way, Gail, how you chose to be with your own journey led me to choose being kind and supportive. I next learned that many of the “C” fighters were connected with each other as well. A post to one showed me their community.
Without writing chapters (Twitter has a way of precluding that🙃) I find that offering a few authentic kind words rarely fails to get a response. Some ask for words to reassure them. Some want to be heard. Some invite prayers from their followers. Nothing is all that different from what we want either. Connection. Loving kindness. A funny joke to make us cackle. I can’t think of anything other than the feeling of electronic, human connection (irony intended 😉) that I want from these exchanges.
This community, lead by typist, paintist, authoress, has modeled their care and kindness to one another. Thanks for the inspiration!
Hmmm… thank you for your suggestions. Through a number of conversations, I’ve been led to the idea of casting “relationship” into the hero role of my story… I/Thou. That opens up opportunities to tell my part of the story while inviting in other perspectives. Simmering! 🥘
I love that you are supporting c patients over on Twitter… at 240 characters or less! 💜
“It’s gotta be a mindset gulley that we’ve yet to pull ourselves out of. 🤔” ~Typist
“Mindset Gully”
Sounds a lot like a “rut.”
Speaking of ruts...
What is a rut with the ends kicked in?
Yep, you guessed it, a GRAVE!
A grave is the place unacted upon ideas go to die... it’s where unchallenged self-limiting beliefs reside. It’s where unwritten songs and books live. Earth shattering ideas that seemed too far fetched or out there to follow through on...
But not the readers of this love letter. Nope!
They know better because between Typist, The Girl’s, and the Community, we get all the inspiration, information, and encouragement needed to eliminate our self-limiting beliefs, embrace our inner-childhood creative genius, and banish our inner-critic and befriend our inner-coach!
I wonder if Typist and The Girls saw all that before it happened? I hear Typist is great at Visualization!
Hmmm? 🤔
Thanks Bobby!
We often feel like we’re creeping forward in the dark, joyfully! 😊
I am uber grateful for the support and encouragement of our 3mm family!
Oh, BTW, did I mention I have every intention of nicking your phrase for myself to use as I see fit?
Have you recently found yourself in that most horrific of places, “the mindset gully?” Is your inner-critic getting the best of your conversations?
Does your gully look more like a canyon than a gully? If so, there’s a solution, it’s not some program or some expert, nope, the answer is YOU!
All you have to do is invite your inner-coach to the conversation and you’ll be gully-jumping in no time! If you’re still struggling after that, let me know, I’m aware of a couple bloggers with some very unique friends that will have you straightened out in no time! 😉
Nick it! Nick it!
I learned about “samsara’s” from my yoga teacher, Sarah.
We all have them… personal and generational. I know I’ve written about them before and paired the story with a photo of a well-worn, leaf-strewn trail.
When I search my name and Samskara, this is what I get: https://gailboenning.medium.com/pearl-harbor-recollections-beyond-dc6fa48b08b2
Not what I was looking for, but the piece applies to the generational ruts we find ourselves in!
Great article! Quite the #Writer 😉
Thank you! It was fun to read the piece again… and to remember having that conversation with my dad.
I followed that up with another Valentine’s Day piece about Aunt Lou and Uncle Howard. He contracted TB during the war, spent years in a sanatorium, and was saved by the discovery of streptomycin if so remember correctly.
I personally loved the “Rosie The Riveter” part and the way everyone naturally pitched in for the cause… Were those the “good ole days” everyone alludes to, or is it just a romanticized memory? 🤔
Interesting backgrounder on the “image.”
“...we’re creeping forward in the dark, joyfully!” 🤔 I’m doing okay with the first part of that statement...
Not joyfully?
T-shirt: “On my second guardian angel. My first one quit and is now in therapy.” 😁
Not a problem that I see for you, Gail. Although your GA would have to work with the girls, and there might be conflicts as to methods and goals.
"I'm just trying to keep her safe!"
"But you're shielding her from experience! And growth!"
"And ice cream!"
"And ice— Not helping, Thal!"
Beautiful! Will you be our ghost writer if ever we should need one? 🤗
I do not see you ever needing a ghost writer, dear lady; I merely drew upon your lovely examples. 😊
Looking back, I likely learned a lot about writing dialogue from you Jack!
Thank you! 🤗
Go for it Gail! Word by word. I have challenged myself to do a weekly Substack (look what you’ve started), my deadline for at least setting it up is Friday! This week!!
Please let us know when it’s live!
Good luck with the article Gail. I recently started a new paid story on Substack, The Peace Lily Murders. I'm praying that I get more subscribers with this story but will except it if I don't. After all, I'm no Stephen King.
I guess there is only one Stephen King? 🤔
Best of luck with The Peace Lily Murders!
Thank you 😊
That is an excellent question! So I went to find out… and yes! I do have a YT channel. Perhaps you automatically get a channel when you set up an account? I haven’t posted anything there.
Do you have a YT channel Jack?
And… A great big welcome to 3mm. I’m glad you are here. 😊
Yes, but it's just family and church stuff. My humor is in my writing, and 99% of the quips I've posted for Gail I've stolen from junk mail catalogs.
(original I'm not)
Sorry, I don't use YT much, I have no intention of attempting to monetize, and essentially it's a place I dump short videos to share with friends and family when I don't bother with my own cloud site. So what's up there now is all there is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯