“Wooooo-hooooo!” Thalia whooped. “One-thousand thirty-four words in under eighteen hours! We rocked it!”
“Must figure out why.” Urania squeezed her head between her hands.
“I think… the article… is good,” said Calliope. “And even if Conquer magazine doesn’t accept it… we’ve done our best… highlighting relationship and love over fear as our greatest gifts… from c. Sure… it’s quirky… and unlike anything else we see in their publication, but maybe that’s in our favor?”
Words from Typist:
I wonder… Why can the muses and I whip out short works of prose like Jack Be Nimble, but anything longer sends us diving into the pantry for snacks. It’s gotta be a mindset gulley that we’ve yet to pull ourselves out of. 🤔
The article needs to sit for a day or so, and will benefit from edits before submission.
That said, there’s much satisfaction in taking the step.
We’ll let you know if it gets accepted into the publication.
Have you taken any steps recently that you’re willing to share in 3mm comments?
I’m aware that one among you has recently started writing song lyrics.
How cool is that?!
1034 words in less than a day--if only I were so prolific! I like your mindset gulley better than mine, Gail. It's all perspective.
Way to put yourself out there and give back. :)