Love the art. Love the quote.

What we repeatedly do?


I know with both sketching and my #EarthArt this one thing, what we repeatedly do, has made all the difference...

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I love your hummingbird. He's just lovely.

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Thank you Billie. He was fun to paint!

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Wowza! That hummer must have been flying like a missile to knock a piece of drywall out of the wall like that! And still served to inspire today’s painting.

Pssst! Tal? Don’t tell anyone but I sometimes lick a drop of coffee off the outside of my white coffee cup... Do you think I might be mistaken for the hummingbird sipping nectar? No? 😔

Happy Monday, just the same!

Confession is good for the soul.

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I'm with Billie, your hummer rocks! And I thought Gary was just being Gary with his remark about the drywall but, y'know... when I looked again, yep, now I can't UNsee it. Is that some sort of multi-layered paper material, or something you did?

Also, Tal is correct, seeds (chia, sesame, sunflower, whatever) are worth going after.

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Thank you for your appreciation! I'm pretty tickled with how it turned out myself.

It's watercolor paper that I tore around the edge. An old trick I learned when I used to make cards. 😉

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