I'm with Billie, your hummer rocks! And I thought Gary was just being Gary with his remark about the drywall but, y'know... when I looked again, yep, now I can't UNsee it. Is that some sort of multi-layered paper material, or something you did?
Also, Tal is correct, seeds (chia, sesame, sunflower, whatever) are worth going after.
I'm with Billie, your hummer rocks! And I thought Gary was just being Gary with his remark about the drywall but, y'know... when I looked again, yep, now I can't UNsee it. Is that some sort of multi-layered paper material, or something you did?
Also, Tal is correct, seeds (chia, sesame, sunflower, whatever) are worth going after.
I'm with Billie, your hummer rocks! And I thought Gary was just being Gary with his remark about the drywall but, y'know... when I looked again, yep, now I can't UNsee it. Is that some sort of multi-layered paper material, or something you did?
Also, Tal is correct, seeds (chia, sesame, sunflower, whatever) are worth going after.
Thank you for your appreciation! I'm pretty tickled with how it turned out myself.
It's watercolor paper that I tore around the edge. An old trick I learned when I used to make cards. 😉