I love this creation so much. You have no idea. I am giddy as Thalia as she dreams of skydiving!!! I am so easy to please. Paintist has really grown in a short time. Thanks for bringing the digital art to life!!

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Thanks for introducing me!

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Me • 😲🧐🤔🤓🤩🥳🤯

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I was talking with “CK” and he’s not only fascinated, but he’s been down the 🐇 🕳 looking for additional connections...

🧬🐛🦋🌟 🎼 ✍🏼🎨🎭🎬🎻♟🧩🪂⚾️🧂🍽🌎

We both came to the conclusion that EVERYTHING is connected. We see the world 🗺 as a prism that magnifies 🔍 whatever we focus on! 🙏🏼🕊🙏🏼

If your wondering, “CK” is short for “Curious Kid.”


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Awesome video!

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Hi Bobby, CK indeed! That was the most glam Lindsey Sterling video I’ve ever seen. Any idea if jeans are sold in that mirror finish? 🙃

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Gary, I think if you have enough money, you can get jeans made out of almost anything, which begs the question, when do they no longer qualify as “jeans?” Like, sharkskin for example…


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Like some myopic crow, I was drawn to artist’s “evergreen + snowflake” holder for the tools of illustration! I thought of the snow globes of old...

Flying into the danger zone is right! I’m old enough to remember Saturday afternoon matinees. $.25 per ticket, 10 cent popcorn, and maybe drinks as well. 🤷🏽 Today, going to a theater with all the trimmings feels like investing in bitcoin! And as with some movie plots, bitcoin results offer similar opportunities... okay, okay, someone may be feeling the “fall back” whiplash!

And Calliope looks just like “Calliope.” Without trying to sound insipid (it comes naturally...) I mean to say, “Perfect.” Her harmony is showing. A slight smile, a comfy pose, and reading her script!

Ginger cookie question: are these a softer variety than ginger snaps? My son asked recently if I perhaps had my mother’s recipe? Sadly, no. Besides, she was a “pinch of this, a handful of that” old school cook. I’m a measurer... Mom refused to let her boys in the kitchen during meal prep. Grudgingly, we sometimes got to dry dishes. Odd, that.

As to what I call the Calliope (harmony) inside me? On many days, cacophony! Making room. Fewer cookies and croissants; more reading and mindfulness.

Thanks for the booster shot!

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Myopic crow — 🤣

My ginger cookies are soft… if I don’t overtake them.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

T-shirt: “Musical puns are my forte!” 😁

I first read the book wording as "FIND HARMONY IN YORK" which I thought was a nod to my current location. Possibly a nod to our York Symphony organization? Aww!

Second look... ah. Well, the way you actually did it is good too. 😊

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Ha! The York symphony… I’ve never heard, but wishing them all things harmonious!

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