Calliope breathed in studio’s silence.
Outside, Thalia played a game of pick-up-sticks, initiated by Mother Nature’s powerful puffs.
In the kitchen, Urania executed a ginger cookie recipe with precise measures.
“Did you enjoy Top Gun?” Typist asked her Muse of Harmony.
“I did! Big screen, popcorn, surround-sound… a night out… off our well-worn path.”
“Perhaps a tad predictable, I still picked up on some gems.” Typist rubbed her hands together for warmth. “Maverick kept telling Rooster, Don’t think. Just do. Was that because he knew Rooster’s practice had brought him to a point where trusting his intuition was superior to searching for answers with his mind?”
“Yes, and…” Calliope looked up, “Like us… Muses+Typist… They were a team built with respect, trust, and care for each other… operating in kairos… Spirit’s time.”
Words from Typist:
Talk about time travel!
Hearing Kenny Loggins belt out Highway to the Danger Zone in surround-sound took me back a few decades. 🤣
Thalia the Passionate and Urania the Organizer would just be cacophony without Calliope the Harmonizer.
Have you given a name to the Calliope inside of you?
You’ll look great with muses on your chest!
Apparel shop open for 10 more days…
I love this creation so much. You have no idea. I am giddy as Thalia as she dreams of skydiving!!! I am so easy to please. Paintist has really grown in a short time. Thanks for bringing the digital art to life!!
I was talking with “CK” and he’s not only fascinated, but he’s been down the 🐇 🕳 looking for additional connections...
🧬🐛🦋🌟 🎼 ✍🏼🎨🎭🎬🎻♟🧩🪂⚾️🧂🍽🌎
We both came to the conclusion that EVERYTHING is connected. We see the world 🗺 as a prism that magnifies 🔍 whatever we focus on! 🙏🏼🕊🙏🏼
If your wondering, “CK” is short for “Curious Kid.”