“Kairos!” KAAAAAIIIIIRRRRROOOOOSSSSSS!” Thalia imagined herself sitting on a wall of fieldstone, trying to catch falling oak leaves.
“Chronos.” Nią looked at the clock.
Calliope drummed fingers on her cheek. I love my job. I love my job. I love my job. The Muse of Harmony smiled. “Greek… How wonderful! I’m going to pass this one off to Typist.”
Words from Typist:
Today, the first day of the rest of our lives, the muses and I give attention to chronos — clocks, deadlines, calendar/planner… goals. We’re working on our Portfolio of Power.
There’s resistance (even from Nia) because for a very long time we’ve lived much of our days in kairos — wondering, wandering, reading, connecting, waltzing with the present moment.
Having spent years disassembling cultural fences — we’re a little leery of barriers — even if they’re self-created, and split-railed for easy escape.
Time, time, time has knocked three times on my ceiling in the last few days.
First… Gary and Bruce tackled time in Sunday’s next mountain please conversation thread.
Second… Tuesday delivered a time sensitive message from Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach — Listen to me read
Third… Today’s Quiet Disruptor letter rounded out the trifecta!
What all of this has me asking is:
Does chronos get a bad wrap?
Is it my jo
by to approach kairos and chronos as ‘yes, and’ instead of ‘either, or’?What if the story I tell myself about the time spent inside the fence is a story of play, instead of work?
Let me tell you about Amy Graham, an expressive arts therapist who uses art to connect people with themselves and others.
At the retreat, Amy gifted each participant a heart-shaped rock that she found on the shore of Lake Michigan. Smooth and soothing to the touch, I’ve been holding mine while on video calls. (Way better than a ball-point because I don’t draw all over my digits!)
Amy made space for us to create with a colorful selection of paper, pens, pencils, oils, and crayons. We each made a card — not knowing who would receive our artwork. Once complete, we popped our gifts into a paper bag.
Next we blindly drew a card… and shared how we received the love.
Then, the card’s creator shared the vision behind what they’d made.
Magical Math Connection!
1 +1 = greater than 2
If you’d like to learn more about Amy’s work (play?), she’s open to connection via email.
Bracelet: “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples” 😳
(They don't all have to be humor.) (Yes, Gary, most of them are supposed to be humorous. Hush!)
Today’s love letter is full of pearls... Both on the page and in the hyperlinks! The description of the retreat activity with Amy is exquisitely accurate.
Trusting that the right card would “choose” us was a huge part of the process and remembering the session debrief in my mind, I can hear the joy of conversation of both giving and receiving... Gratitude 🙏🏼 experienced in real time for the gift of a hand crafted message... I have read and reread my card and will revisit it often.
Also, there are 58 colored hearts 💗❤️💛💚♥️ on the cover of my card. Heart grass, leaves, and a big red heart in the center of my Joy Tree!
“Find joy and let it lead your life...” Which is the message on the front of the card and written within the boundaries of the base of the tree and under the big heart.
The inside is full of inspirational messages and are you ready for this? 🥁🥁🥁
61 Golden 🌟 stars, which just so happens to be the number of stars I’ve managed to accumulate as related to years on this spinning rock we all call home...
“Everything you need, your courage, strength, compassion, love, everything you need is already within you.” -One of the messages inside the card
My message to everyone and a quote from my book is as follows:
“Hidden within each of us is everything we need to achieve anything we can imagine.” -Bobby Kountz
Typist, thanks for being YOU and trusting “The Girls” to help you share the message that only YOU can share... 🙌🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙌🏼
Gratefully yours,