
Thalia bellowed through a megaphone, "Muse-wear! Get your muse-wear here!"


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Do the questions that I ask myself/yourself lead me /us to be fully present to whatever unfolds or to "what is"?

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And how wonderful to see you here today. You’ve been in my thoughts!

Two reasons:

Yesterday I experienced a moment of ‘choiceless awareness’ when I ordered one of the books. Somehow I just feel it will have meaning for me whether I love or hate it. 🤷‍♀️

And… I’ve been listening to lectures by Stafford Beer… who sounds a little like Charlie Brown’s teacher to me, but I am picking up some gems! Curious if you have studied his work? Designing Freedom?

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Thanks. Nice to be here. I have not read or listened to Stafford Beer. I'll take a look when I've some open space. I am bursting with insights in my head that sound so trivial when they come out in words. Language just sucks when it comes to connecting with ideas and each other.

Or is it just me who can't find his voice.

This week's Torah portion is about Noah but diverts briefly to the Tower of Babel. Dear G_d do you count this story a success?

Today's recurring question of the day for me "What will I do today if I truly believed that I get whatever I want"? Tomorrow's question sparked by yours is "what will arise instantly from awareness"? Go well and be well....

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

A car company, perhaps Mazda, used “Vroom, Vroom” to entice folks to drive their cars. I bought a ‘74 VW bus in that same year. VW’s campaign symbol then was labeled “Fahrvergnugen” which to VW translated as “The thrill of driving a VW.” My bus came with a decal of that theme. Years later I applied it to the rear glass of my Ford work van. 🤷🏽

And... the driver in the VW graphic appeared to have his hair streaming back in the wind! Not at all unlike how I felt after today’s post! I did take a peek at Farman Street as well. My hair’s still streaming back!

Along the way between 1974 and today there’s both less hair and less inclination to have my hair streaming back. Likely due to having less hair. 🤷🏽 What I was able to see was the difference between a much younger and more youthful creator, in the process of building beaver dams with lodges, and my present motivations.

Not sure which tree to gnaw down first! Implementation of Farnam Street’s suggestion to make choices more quickly and with less striving for the perfect ones. Ahhh...

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Ha! Imagining your wind blown hair. 😃

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

T-shirt: “I bought a chicken from one website, an egg from another. I’ll let you know.” 😁

I like the title with the chalkboard illustration.

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Great joke! Henny wants to know why I am laughing.

I made the chalkboard drawing a looooong time ago… I think I used it on BFN. Keeping it as a reminder that as long as I’m breathing, I’m not done. 👍🏻

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Not even close!

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In my opinion, best article ever on TIME! By guess who? Yep, Farnam Street! Here you go!

From the early 1900’s. Everything we’ve ever needed to know about time. How does it apply today? Can we use the article to address the questions Typist shared with us from their newsletter? What’s at the intersection of time and intention? Time and Activity Management? Time and Expectations? Time and Goals? Planning? Freedom? Ukiyo? Shoshin? Muditā? Other obscure words and ideas? Mindfulness in general?

We could go on and on... 😊

We learned about the idea of the intersection of words at the retreat with Karen.


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Thanks for sharing the FS article. I appreciate it much. I think I have a copy of Seneca’s On the Shortness if Life. Basically he says that if you are “present”, life is long enough. 😂

Which reminds me of Natalie Babbitt’s book, Tuck Everlasting. So good!

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If you preface or join the word "time" with another word is it still "time"? Is the word the thing? How can adding other words clarify it? Just asking? Is time dependent on consciousness?

Is there such a thing as "timeless" or "absence of time"? In Quantum Theory are there actions, impact or consequences that operate outside our concepts of time?

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Oh boy! Welcome to my world. 😂

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Quantum Theory contends that a sub-atomic particle on this side of earth can instantly affect one on the other side. Not subject to the usual “speed of light” that even Einstein treated as a maximum velocity. We’re not quite ready for time travel.

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Is "inside time" kind of a version of time travel? Past, future and present all merge in my mind?

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

That makes sense. Some contend, on whatever basis, that what we call reality is a projection of our minds on to an otherwise blank slate. A hologram of sorts? The congruence between one person’s tree and the next? Our perception of literally everything then is a construct? Is that “collective unconscious?”

If that holds water, our knowing past, present, and future could constitute time travel? And to “be” in any remembered or conjured situations. While that might be considered outlandish by most folks today, that’s not the same as impossible.

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That's the gist of things.... or as I "see" it. What are the practical implications? One of them could be that things we regard as taking "time" can actually be, if you will, beyond time.

Anything else?

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I once experienced “seeing at a distance.” My wife had called a co-worker whom I knew. I was lying flat on the hardwood floor, mind drifting. Then I “saw” her friend and the surroundings from where she was calling. Vivid detail. I interrupted my wife and asked her to ask her friend to reply to what I was seeing. (I had never been near the house she was calling from.)

Leaning against a doorway? Yes. Fireplace with a lovely mantle piece to her left? Yes. Looking through the doorway seeing a dining room beyond? Yes. All walls and trim work painted a cool white? Yes. I didn’t feel surprised as that was what I was seeing. They however were floored. Not time travel as we’ve discussed, yet not travel as we usually think of it.

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