Urania looked at the calendar and cursed. “Grrrrr! @#*&()%! Who scheduled a lunch?! Tomorrow is supposed to be the first day of our new life. Office hours from 8:00 until noon.”
Cal sighed. “Relax, will you? The lunch was scheduled weeks ago, before we retreated, and found inspiration to goal set and plan. Office hours commence on Tuesday.”
“Let’s create a podcast! Write and illustrate a children’s book? Did you see that email we got about joining a group of cruisers on Portugal’s River of Gold? I ordered two books yesterday — one about writing and another about cartooning —”
While Thalia took a breath, it was Nia’s turn to sigh. “I know who scheduled the lunch.”
Words from Typist:
This morning’s Farnam Street newsletter strummed a lot of chords that echo inside me.
If you take a few minutes to read, you might hear similar echoes.
Am I deciding (and acting) at a pace that serves me?
Am I moving forward, without going off the rails (on a crazy train)?
Am I enjoying the climb?
Does the (our) work’s quality merit limited quantities?
Which will free up time for new mountains?
And finally… Are your muses striking a Goldilocks balance between exploration and action?
Thalia bellowed through a megaphone, "Muse-wear! Get your muse-wear here!"
Do the questions that I ask myself/yourself lead me /us to be fully present to whatever unfolds or to "what is"?