A note from LoveLetterist:

Henny has been intermittently licking under her tail since Sunday.

Yesterday it reached a new level of non-stop action.

She already has a vet appointment scheduled for next Wednesday.

Taking action


Making a call

for a professional opinion

presents itself


the right thing

to do.

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I have wondered more than once about how Henrietta has been since you first spoke of this condition. Please know a clean bill of health is on my mind and heart.

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Thanks Gary.

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I have a Clip2Comic question. When you finish your art it seems to have the dog intently looking at its sidekick. Almost connected by love?

Our own pooch, Izzie, has taken up chewing her right hind foot! I feel distracted by this, perhaps not unlike Tal’s expressed exasperation. Cal’s forthright view that action is required? A perfect match to today’s quotes! 🙏🏽

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Well, prior to Clip2Comic magic, the dog is already painted to look at its sidekick. I did intentionally meld he hearts for today's image when I created it.

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Oh! How I'm tempted to ignore the problem! You'd think I might have learned a thing or two after postponing investigation of the lump in my breast for a couple of months.

Yet, I'm now fully aware that sooner we act, the sooner we can move beyond the niggling "distractions" and channel our energies in more positive directions.

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Hoping it's just an allergy. Like new detergent on a scatter rug or her bedding. Or chicken making its way into her dog food. Either of those sends Finn into a tailspin- licking paws.

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Since the snow melted, both of us are experiencing an uptick in allergy symptoms.

That’s why she has a vet appt next week. She gets something called a Cytopoint injection that really helps alleviate her symptoms.

Maybe they can get her in today.

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I have never heard of that shot? Once a month? A season? Finn suffers in the spring.

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I think every dog is different in regard to how often they need the shot. I think it can be given monthly.

Henny got it 3 or 4 times last year and then I use Apoquel pills in between — when her symptoms are milder.

My personal experience says it’s worth a try for Finn — or any allergy afflicted animal. For Henny it works like a charm.

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I’m delighted to hear of this resolution. When Izzie was two, 2019, “something” began to impair her breathing. In a 30’ period while I ate dinner, Iz went from wheezing to near drowning. (My short video documentation is hard to watch)

Her lungs had filled that much. Off to our local pet ER where she was admitted pronto. IV meds, antihistamines along with something to sedate her, and she was admitted. No one could identify the culprit. The accelerated onset seemed inconsistent with an allergy. I inquired about spiders as we have a generous supply of species. She’s not had a recurrence. 🤷🏽

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I remember when this happened with Izzie. I recall your concern. ❤️

I’m so glad she rebounded and has not experienced another episode.

We do so love and care for our companions.

With 2 doses of antibiotics on board and some doggy aspirin, Henny is acting like… Henny! It’s grand.

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Addendum: Buster is insured by Pumpkin Pet Insurance. Rarely called for. Izzie has been insured by Healthy Paws; the virtual drowning episode cost nearly $30,000 and qualified for an 80% reimbursement. About a year ago H-P announced an increase of ≈ 35% and attributed the increase to our state’s Insurance laws. Pumpkin showed 0% increase. I explored switching Iz to Pumpkin and they determined her episode was a birth defect. Any similar episodes or ones involving her lungs would be excluded from their coverage. I argued there have been no recurrences and the incident was never assigned a cause! Facts not withstanding…

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We have never purchased pet insurance.

There have been times when I wished we would have!

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Great! Thanks for this update.

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