“Mahhh-k her st-ahhh-p!” Henny’s tongue licks in time with the wall clock.
“When —” Nia’s exhale mingles with forced air from the furnace, “have we ever been able to make Henny do — anything!?”
“Awareness, Acceptance, Action…” Calliope pulls out their not-so-secret, forward-motion-eliciting, triple-A-acronym. “The vet opens at 7… I’ll call then.”
Thinking will not overcome fear, but action will.
W. Clement Stone
You build trust with others each time you choose integrity over image, truth over convenience, or honor over personal gain.
~John Maxwell
A note from LoveLetterist:
Henny has been intermittently licking under her tail since Sunday.
Yesterday it reached a new level of non-stop action.
She already has a vet appointment scheduled for next Wednesday.
Taking action
Making a call
for a professional opinion
presents itself
the right thing
to do.
I have a Clip2Comic question. When you finish your art it seems to have the dog intently looking at its sidekick. Almost connected by love?
Our own pooch, Izzie, has taken up chewing her right hind foot! I feel distracted by this, perhaps not unlike Tal’s expressed exasperation. Cal’s forthright view that action is required? A perfect match to today’s quotes! 🙏🏽