A note from LoveLetterist:

Here in the upper Midwest we're experiencing a string of gray, cloudy, and rainy days.

One can easily say, "It's just weather."

And that's true...

What's also true... is that a few golden rays can lift a mood like nothing else.

Can we generate our own sunshine?

Now there's a question!

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Susan Cain, introvert guru and author of "Quiet" and "Bittersweet" says that some people thrive on those gray days (within reason, I suppose). Creating sounds like the perfect activity for a gray day!

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I read Quiet at a time when it was just the nutrition I needed! Right book at the right time.

Thanks for opening a perspective I hadn’t thought of. 👍🏻

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My initial guess was that “the kid” was in the cushy snow saucer. You quickly disabused this reader of that notion in answering Jack’s question! The saying, by either Joe Kennedy or Knute Rockne comes

to mind: When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

I guess it’s no wonder what you and the Muses accomplish on any given day. “Get going” seems to be the theme song of late.


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The tubing child — family history, or random Internet photo?

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Cut out of a magazine and housed in a Chinese take-out container for more than a year. 😂

I knew I’d find a way to use it one day!

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