Thalia looks through the glass onto a still-green lawn. ”Whehhhh-n — can we gohhh slehd-ing?!”
Nia scratches her temple. “Uh — When there’s — snow?”
“I think…“ Cal whispers in Nia’s ear. “she’s… bored?”
“Hmmmm —” Nia pulls out pencils and paints. “Let’s create.”
Boredom: the desire for desire.
~Leo Tolstoy
I’ve got a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than boredom.
~Thomas Carlyle
A note from LoveLetterist:
Here in the upper Midwest we're experiencing a string of gray, cloudy, and rainy days.
One can easily say, "It's just weather."
And that's true...
What's also true... is that a few golden rays can lift a mood like nothing else.
Can we generate our own sunshine?
Now there's a question!
Susan Cain, introvert guru and author of "Quiet" and "Bittersweet" says that some people thrive on those gray days (within reason, I suppose). Creating sounds like the perfect activity for a gray day!