
I appreciate the transparency of your “Artists Journey.” I personally told myself a lie my whole life that I couldn’t draw ✍🏼. Not true!

And while I am sure I won’t be lying on my back atop a scaffolding painting ceilings anytime soon… I can paint 🎨 in both my mind’s eye and sketch or scribble in my journal or sketch pad, or on one of the rocks 🪨 I collect while out for my daily exercise.

There is no white fluffy stuff here covering them up like where YOU and the muses are.

I’m playing with a new book called Draw Your Day by Samantha Dion Baker and can’t wait to see what emerges for me… Keeping expectations light, minimal pressure and a keen sense of curiosity.

I am incredibly #Grateful for YOU and “The Girls!”

“Hold The Vision, Trust The Process!”


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"Hear your muses... Find your life!"

There is a quote from St. Francis that I hold dear. I equate it with ego... this imaginary "self" we build... carrying us through our lives of shoulds and should nots, cans and cant's.

Paraphrasing -- It is by self-forgetting that we find.

The muses give me the degree of separation I need to be an explorer of life instead of a fixed "Gail". Interesting how that happened!

Thanks for sharing the book you are working with.

Grateful for you, too!

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Gail, we’re buying one each of your trilogy (correct term?) in hardcover to donate to our local library…

DEB: Shouldn’t you check with the library first to see if they take donations?

…or some other local establishment. Not exactly a huge uptick in sales, but every little bit, eh?

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Jack and Deb!!! Thank you!!! I have three stacks of books for 3 different libraries. A few authors sent me copies of their books, and a few I purchased on my own.

No doubt this can be taken a step further than handing my books, and the books of others, across the counter. Perhaps I can offer a reading or service of some kind?

Calliope has her heels firmly planted. Thalia and Urania are pulling on her arms.

My hope in sharing Nia’s frustration today was to show we all have moods and down feelings from time to time. It’s how we pause and move forward that can make all of the difference?

Thanks to you and Deb for helping the muses and Typist to share their work. ♥️💜💚

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Gail, I love this! Your writing is so much fun. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw my name. I feel very honored to be a part of this thank you. And no I haven't received the books yet. I will let you know. Thanks again.

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Magical Math… the potential of 1+1 yielding a sum much greater than 2. ♥️💜💚

Thanks for your connection request over on LinkedIn. What a fine skein of possibility the internet is!

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