Typist snapped the lid closed on the blue art pencil caddy.
“Not bad for a first attempt,” said Calliope. “Long hair… Must be you Thalia.”
“That’s just a copy from the YouTube video we watched.” Thalia shrugged. “30 focused minutes, pencil to paper, taken a step… Now we can use the tools we learned, and start making faces of our own.”
Urania looked calm and… satisfied? “Honestly… So much fun! This internet thing has made it possible for people to learn how to do just about anything… with a few simple clicks. I can’t wait to see what’s next!”
“Once the light of creativity penetrates our shells, we hatch into the most amazing beings!” Thalia nodded. “And one creative act feathers right into the next — making the cutest yellow fluff balls — spindled feet and beaks optional.”
“Do you think Pennie received the books yet?” asked Calliope.
“She’ll send us a message when she gets them.” Urania fiddled with her glasses. “That was a win-win. Actually, we are getting more out of the arrangement than our new friend.”
“Yes! Pennie has gifted us an opportunity to think outside of the box! She sparked an opportunity to work-around Typist’s weakness. We all know Typist is reluctant to call attention to herself?” Cal asked.
Thalia Trilled like a dark-eyed junco. “That’s why she created me! Errr… I mean, us.”
“So when Pennie expressed an interest in reading the books, along with an explanation that she’s currently between paying gigs and will have to wait to order them, Typist asked if she might send along copies at no charge.” Urania said.
“And this will help us because after reading Wandering Words and Meandering Muses, our partner in creating awareness will donate our books to her local library. How cool is that?” asked Calliope.
“A weakness is not weakness if you can find a creative solution.” Urania looked as pleased as a hen pecking at a juicy slice of watermelon on a summer day.
Typist here… Still waiting to receive our author copies of Flourishing Fictions, but since the idea is fresh… and our subscriber list is still manageable… I’m wondering if you’ll join our Creating Awareness Team?
Will you donate a copy of one of our books to your local library?
If you reply to this email with your mailing address, I will send along a book for you to enjoy and share.
Thank you Pennie!
Thank you muses!
Thank you CATeam!
Urania poked me in the ribs and whispered in my ear. “What about our international friends? Do we really want to be shipping over seas?”
“Good question…”
If you don’t live in the US and want to help, send us an email and we’ll come up with a creative solution.
“Ow — Stop poking me Urania!”
“What if people see this five years from now… and ask for a book?”
“Good point…”
This offer expires at 11:59 pm Central Standard Time on 1/26/22.
“Okay Nia?”
“Yes… I think so.”
I appreciate the transparency of your “Artists Journey.” I personally told myself a lie my whole life that I couldn’t draw ✍🏼. Not true!
And while I am sure I won’t be lying on my back atop a scaffolding painting ceilings anytime soon… I can paint 🎨 in both my mind’s eye and sketch or scribble in my journal or sketch pad, or on one of the rocks 🪨 I collect while out for my daily exercise.
There is no white fluffy stuff here covering them up like where YOU and the muses are.
I’m playing with a new book called Draw Your Day by Samantha Dion Baker and can’t wait to see what emerges for me… Keeping expectations light, minimal pressure and a keen sense of curiosity.
I am incredibly #Grateful for YOU and “The Girls!”
“Hold The Vision, Trust The Process!”
Gail, we’re buying one each of your trilogy (correct term?) in hardcover to donate to our local library…
DEB: Shouldn’t you check with the library first to see if they take donations?
…or some other local establishment. Not exactly a huge uptick in sales, but every little bit, eh?