I met Cheryl Oreglia several years ago in an online workshop. She writes a newsletter that has the a perfect (for me) balance of dough, frosting, and sprinkles. You might like it, too!
What a concoction for this LoveLetter! Or should I say confection? Where/how did you “nick” jimmies? A search of same suggests that’s a New England term, Boston especially. Moreover, there are folks that regard it as a racist term, advising that sprinkles is far preferable. But a company in PA made and marketed jimmies, saying they were so named because of an employee by that name! I’d advise no unconscious humming of “Jimmy crack corn, and I don’t care...”
Always a sucker for underlined or differently colored words, I had to search “delivery.” Sure enough, Dr Whats-a-ma-hoos-zit offering a perfect stretching activity.
As if all that wasn’t enough, C. S. Lewis reminds us we are a soul that has a body. Not the other way around.
But I have to ask, “What happened to the nonpareils with a cookie? 🤔
I actually think of jimmies as the oblong (rather than circular) sprinkles. "Jimmies" is a commonly used phrase here... usually referring to decorated donuts. I try to mix up my words... I'd already used nonpareils and sprinkles. 🤷🏻♀️
A reader once got up in arms because I like to use the word "bugger". He informed me it has a negative connotation in his neck of the words. For a while I stopped using the word, but have now grown past such nonsense.
Oooooh! The doctor's short videos are the bomb! I find myself inspired to "sprinkle" short effective exercises throughout my day because of his posts. Love them!
No cookies today. Only pencil and paper with our jimmies.
Knowing of this or about this is one thing... Making a commitment to live this is something all together different.
What if we immersed ourselves in this knowing?
Embracing the understanding that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, has the potential to create a profound paradigm shift for the person thinking they have a soul instead of being one...
It also might change the way we treat our bodies if we embraced it with more of an understanding that it’s simply the vehicle we’ve been given to carry our soul around here on this spinning rock.
I believe there are some people that probably take better care of their cars than they do of themselves.
It also makes me wonder where the soul goes when the physical body that’s currently carrying it around, has met its expiration date?
That’s a topic of conversation for another thread...
The first place I came across the idea that I am a “spiritual being” having a human experience was in Meditations from the Mat by Rolf Gates. Once I read it, I couldn’t forget it.
As my friend Elaine and I work together in creating our I AM WORTH IT! presentations, we strive to present/rephrase information in multiple versions with a recognition that we all “hear” differently. We are striving to offer a mix of story and non-fiction nuts and bolts.
As we’ve discussed, you and I can both watch the same video and have very different take-aways.
I looked up C.S.. Lewis and learned that he grew up with Christianity, stepped away from religion, and then came back. Much of his secular writing contained Christian themes.
And speaking of good things from the internet...
I met Cheryl Oreglia several years ago in an online workshop. She writes a newsletter that has the a perfect (for me) balance of dough, frosting, and sprinkles. You might like it, too!
What a concoction for this LoveLetter! Or should I say confection? Where/how did you “nick” jimmies? A search of same suggests that’s a New England term, Boston especially. Moreover, there are folks that regard it as a racist term, advising that sprinkles is far preferable. But a company in PA made and marketed jimmies, saying they were so named because of an employee by that name! I’d advise no unconscious humming of “Jimmy crack corn, and I don’t care...”
Always a sucker for underlined or differently colored words, I had to search “delivery.” Sure enough, Dr Whats-a-ma-hoos-zit offering a perfect stretching activity.
As if all that wasn’t enough, C. S. Lewis reminds us we are a soul that has a body. Not the other way around.
But I have to ask, “What happened to the nonpareils with a cookie? 🤔
I actually think of jimmies as the oblong (rather than circular) sprinkles. "Jimmies" is a commonly used phrase here... usually referring to decorated donuts. I try to mix up my words... I'd already used nonpareils and sprinkles. 🤷🏻♀️
A reader once got up in arms because I like to use the word "bugger". He informed me it has a negative connotation in his neck of the words. For a while I stopped using the word, but have now grown past such nonsense.
Oooooh! The doctor's short videos are the bomb! I find myself inspired to "sprinkle" short effective exercises throughout my day because of his posts. Love them!
No cookies today. Only pencil and paper with our jimmies.
You don’t have a soul.
You are a soul.
You have a body.
~ C.S. Lewis
Knowing of this or about this is one thing... Making a commitment to live this is something all together different.
What if we immersed ourselves in this knowing?
Embracing the understanding that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, has the potential to create a profound paradigm shift for the person thinking they have a soul instead of being one...
It also might change the way we treat our bodies if we embraced it with more of an understanding that it’s simply the vehicle we’ve been given to carry our soul around here on this spinning rock.
I believe there are some people that probably take better care of their cars than they do of themselves.
It also makes me wonder where the soul goes when the physical body that’s currently carrying it around, has met its expiration date?
That’s a topic of conversation for another thread...
Oh! Cliff hanger!
The first place I came across the idea that I am a “spiritual being” having a human experience was in Meditations from the Mat by Rolf Gates. Once I read it, I couldn’t forget it.
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience." - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
The phrase has been around for a long time, and I believe was popularized by Wayne Dyer and others...
If my memory serves me correctly, the quote also shows up in A Course in Miracles.
As my friend Elaine and I work together in creating our I AM WORTH IT! presentations, we strive to present/rephrase information in multiple versions with a recognition that we all “hear” differently. We are striving to offer a mix of story and non-fiction nuts and bolts.
As we’ve discussed, you and I can both watch the same video and have very different take-aways.
I looked up C.S.. Lewis and learned that he grew up with Christianity, stepped away from religion, and then came back. Much of his secular writing contained Christian themes.
Is whatsamawhozit a midwesternism? Suddenly I don’t recall hearing it since my childhood in Illinois.
Not sure about midwesternism. 🤷♀️
There used to be a candy bar called a Whatchamacallit…
Yeeee! It still exists!