“Perhaps,” Nia whispers as nonpareils roll every which way — including loose, “if we stop breathing?”
“Never stop breeeeee-thing!” Tal’s tongue sticks out one side of her mouth as she tries to coax cookie sprinkles into their outline.
“Aren’t we going to talk about…” Cal wonders how today’s love letter jumped tracks.
“Dr. Whats-a-ma-hoooo-zit!” Thalia’s ears almost touch her shoulders as she rolls her neck. “Sweeeeet freedom! A special delivery from the algorithm! When used a-prooo—priet-leee,”
Nia dumps a placemat full of jimmies into the trash. “The internet is an amazing tool.”
You don’t have a soul.
You are a soul.
You have a body.
~ C.S. Lewis
And speaking of good things from the internet...
I met Cheryl Oreglia several years ago in an online workshop. She writes a newsletter that has the a perfect (for me) balance of dough, frosting, and sprinkles. You might like it, too!
What a concoction for this LoveLetter! Or should I say confection? Where/how did you “nick” jimmies? A search of same suggests that’s a New England term, Boston especially. Moreover, there are folks that regard it as a racist term, advising that sprinkles is far preferable. But a company in PA made and marketed jimmies, saying they were so named because of an employee by that name! I’d advise no unconscious humming of “Jimmy crack corn, and I don’t care...”
Always a sucker for underlined or differently colored words, I had to search “delivery.” Sure enough, Dr Whats-a-ma-hoos-zit offering a perfect stretching activity.
As if all that wasn’t enough, C. S. Lewis reminds us we are a soul that has a body. Not the other way around.
But I have to ask, “What happened to the nonpareils with a cookie? 🤔