Note from Loveletterist:

The past few days I have observed a similar pattern.

A fawn comes and dines alone followed some time later by a mom-fawn combo.

Last week I caught a glimpse of the twins munching together without mom.

I wonder if there is some kind of independence training in progress.

It's fun to watch!

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Keen observation!

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3 grasshoppers have announced their presence in the last week. I wonder what that is about?! One was missing a leg. 🤔

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Is this appearance earlier than usual? I recently read that saguaro cacti in the arid SW are breaking into pieces as they fall to the ground. 🤷🏽 Even as dwellers of characteristically dessert environments, I suspect the higher than usual heat is drawing water from them and in the process reducing overall turgor. Earth Spirit buddies just the same. 😔

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The grasshoppers?

Not early… as best I can recall. The interesting thing is two were found near the garage door entry into the house. Odd place for them to be hanging out! Almost like they wanted to make sure I knew they were here.

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I just hope no one’s planning a locust plague party near your home. 🙃

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They’ll have plenty of apples to eat!

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One sign of maturity is the ability to be comfortable with people (animals?) who are not like us.

~ Virgil A. Kraft

~Modified quote by Typist, inspired by Virgil Kraft

Well done!

There is much to learn from our greater than human friends... 🦌


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I’m reading an anthropomorphic kids novel by Jame’s Howe. The story is narrated by a dog (whose commentary sent me off to Wikipedia to explore Jonathan Livingston Seagull).

There are so many options/genres for writers/readers to explore.

This morning I read a piece about Taylor Swift and her persistent evolution via exploring different musical styles.


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So, this apple tree has dropped its fruit into the grass. Bug applesauce? Variety of apples?

It may not be an accident that you titled today: “Spotted.” Fawn, grass, tree. Maybe even leaves of a vine climbing the apple tree? “Take but degree away, untune that string, and Hark! What discord follows!” Shakespeare, of course. 🙃

As for the bright, red cardinal in the cedar tree, I have a sense of “Advanced Where’s Waldo” - for the color challenged. 😁 Good one!

I particularly like the remark by Virgil Kraft, partly because that’s my nature. Child like wonder for me that hasn’t left since my honey bee stings day. If it doesn’t kill ya...

Thanks for plying your Kraft!

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Ugh! My long reply vanished. 😲

Let me just say… sign, sign, everywhere a sign!

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I think I LOVE your short reply better than the long one even though I have no idea what it contained! 😉

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I catch myself trying so hard to remember all that my fingers typed! Not a prudent undertaking...

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Writing has tuned me in to a universe of metaphor. Fascinating stuff!

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Blocking out the scenery, breakin’ my mind, do this- don’t do that, can’t you read the sign.

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