Thalia covers one eye and squints with the other. “I sp-yeeeee — with my little ey—eee — a lone fawn.”
Nia takes note of a bright red cardinal in the cedar. “Not alone.”
“I wonder…” Cal watches a swallowtail land on a purple coneflower’s crown, “… where its mom and twin are…”
“I suspect they’ll visit the fallen-apple-buffet later.” Nia pedals her legs as if she’s riding a bike. “Right now — the cutie down below is exercising its training wheels of autonomy.”
One sign of maturity is the ability to be comfortable with people (animals?) who are not like us.
~ Virgil A. Kraft
Note from Loveletterist:
The past few days I have observed a similar pattern.
A fawn comes and dines alone followed some time later by a mom-fawn combo.
Last week I caught a glimpse of the twins munching together without mom.
I wonder if there is some kind of independence training in progress.
It's fun to watch!
One sign of maturity is the ability to be comfortable with people (animals?) who are not like us.
~ Virgil A. Kraft
~Modified quote by Typist, inspired by Virgil Kraft
Well done!
There is much to learn from our greater than human friends... 🦌