
A note from LoveLetterist:

It's snowing here... enough that schools are cancelled.

I had a haircut (a haircut!) appointment scheduled for this morning.

My stylist texted: I'll be at the salon. If you don't want to come out in the snow, I have two spots available next week.

I texted back: I'll be there!

I don't want to live a fear-free, no-risk life.

I drive an SUV.

The plows have been out clearing and salting.

I have enough sense to watch my speed and leave lots of space.

And I have hair... that needs trimming!

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I'm sporting a "Raggedy Andy" look myself!. Thankfully I have few compelling reasons to look handsome and well groomed. Unlike you who was smashing yesterday with Jay!

Happy Hair Day!

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Thank you for your appreciation Gary. Erica (my stylist) and I both marvel at how my hair has regained much of its color. For the first 6 months or so, the new growth was quite gray. She said she’s never seen this happen before.

I like being an original!

Driving in today’s weather was both a little thing… and a big thing. It’s amazing how we can let our confidence slide if we’re not vigilant about stepping outside of our comfort zones.

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“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

~Neale Donald Walsh

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