Thalia hops behind the wheel and turns up the radio.
Nią clears her throat. “You do NOT have a license.”
“Why do I need one of those? I have — cahhhn-fi-denz!”
Calliope buckles her seatbelt, closes her eyes, and clutches a pillow to her chest. “Okay… Let’s go.”
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
~T.S. Eliot
A note from LoveLetterist:
It's snowing here... enough that schools are cancelled.
I had a haircut (a haircut!) appointment scheduled for this morning.
My stylist texted: I'll be at the salon. If you don't want to come out in the snow, I have two spots available next week.
I texted back: I'll be there!
I don't want to live a fear-free, no-risk life.
I drive an SUV.
The plows have been out clearing and salting.
I have enough sense to watch my speed and leave lots of space.
And I have hair... that needs trimming!
I'm sporting a "Raggedy Andy" look myself!. Thankfully I have few compelling reasons to look handsome and well groomed. Unlike you who was smashing yesterday with Jay!
Happy Hair Day!