“Connection and relationship are cherries atop the hot fudge sundaes of life!”

~Typist, a.k.a, Gail Boenning

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Since I wrote that... I changed my mind. Connection and relationships ARE the hot fudge sundaes! Without relationship... we don't exist?

I think Einstein's Theory of Relativity was meant to teach me that through a scientific lens. 🤔Was I not ready for the lesson back then. 😂

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

T-shirt: “I was addicted to the hokey pokey… but then I turned myself around” 😁

I still haven't signed up for the Medium Writers Program, nor have the attractive offers from Substack tempted me. We don't need the money (thank heavens!) and the paperwork aggravation would cancel what few cents we would make. But I like chucking in a few bucks here and there for our friends who do publish for dough, because why not? 😊

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That one is going in Book 4!

In my afternoon listening circle, one of the questions today was something like: What's something generous another has done that impacted you? I shared that my friend Jack has not missed a 3mm uplifting comment since I asked for smile-material to carry me to the other side of c. Thank you Jack!

I LOVE Substack's mission and values! In my experience -- 2018 until now -- they are a class act. (As is Medium... my first writerly home!) I cheer on the writers who have found a way to make a living by writing about what they love.

Thanks for chucking the muses a few bucks Jack and Deb. We spend it on sweets! 🧁☕️

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Turtles 🐢 and crickets 🦗 and bluebirds 🐦 oh my… 🌅🧩✍🏼🧩🎨🧩💐🧩🎬


New beginnings, past experiences, infinite possibilities...

I can’t wait to see where this story goes in 2023! 🥳😎🥳

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Thank you Bobby! Let us see what happens next? For all of us!

Keep going! Keep growing!

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

Humbled. 🙏🏽

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Yes, we don't make it rich here, not even close. But connection and getting our work read by people is what makes the hard work and time taken worth while. It's also a continuous practice for the future books we write. And I love the mouse, he's so cute. Keep up the good work.

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Jan 3, 2023·edited Jan 4, 2023Author

What a beautiful reply Pennie! A useful and empowering story. ♥️💜💚

This morning I read about 30 3mms from last January and February. I feel there has been significant improvement between then and now.

Gratifying to read.

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