Nia chased Tal around the table and tapped her shoulder.
The pair reversed direction and Thalia tagged Urania quicker than Jack-Be-Nimble.
Henny’s four legs joined the romp and had great fun with the game while Cal held her seat.
Calliope fiddled with her fringe and asked, “To charge, or not to charge for 3mm… Is that the question?”
Nia and Tal stopped running. “Yes,” they panted.
“Carry on then… I don’t have an answer.”
I’m deciding to be my own individual self selves (😉), and it looks nothing like what anyone else is doing. There’s something so powerful about being unique.
~ Alicia Keys
Words from Typist:
January 10th marks the anniversary of 3mm’s first love letter! 🎉
3mm’s subscriber page tells me:
67 subscribers
9 paid
2022 earnings $812 (of which Substack earns 10% and the payment provider earns 2.9% plus 30 cents per payment)
Not about the money — so why do Typist and the muses show up here almost every day?
This is where we process life!
This is where we connect with others!
This is where we demonstrate that showing up as your unique self is invaluable!
This is where we dance our dance!
We’re grateful you are here — and encourage you to dance your own dance!
He has found his style when he cannot do otherwise.
~ Paul Klee
In 2023, 3mm will continue the option of a monthly/yearly subscription of $7/70.
All 3mm material remains available to paid and unpaid subscribers. 🙌🏻
To all those who contribute — Thank you from me and Substack!
“Connection and relationship are cherries atop the hot fudge sundaes of life!”
~Typist, a.k.a, Gail Boenning
T-shirt: “I was addicted to the hokey pokey… but then I turned myself around” 😁
I still haven't signed up for the Medium Writers Program, nor have the attractive offers from Substack tempted me. We don't need the money (thank heavens!) and the paperwork aggravation would cancel what few cents we would make. But I like chucking in a few bucks here and there for our friends who do publish for dough, because why not? 😊