Note from Loveletterist:

I have always loved classic style -- smart looking women with short haircuts dressed in a shift dress or an a-line. I've cycled through yoga pants, loose fitting boho styles, and shoulder pad trends, but I always come back to me-est me. Often on summer days I dress in a skirt or dress. I wear them to the dog park, the grocery... pulling weeds.

"You will delight some and disturb others."

Be the you-est you. Your senses will delight in it.

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This accounting of classic styles is a perfect fit! I noticed no mention of “scarf days.” That for a lot of reasons must have been fingernails on a chalkboard times!

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Hmmm… I just told my Listening Circle this morning that all things considered… cancer was a life enhancer. 🤷‍♀️

Some might find this perspective disturbing while others might find it delicious?

All kinds of kinds.

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I distinctly remember your deciding to entrust you care and outcomes to God/Great Spirit (and forego “playing God”). As treatment proceeded I recall your efforts to engage with staff, not being dispirited on a day when “meaty blood” readings were shy of the mark, delaying the next infusion. No, you didn’t click your heels at the delays. Merely said, “This was today.” Always confident that your Higher Power was in charge and had provided the exactly right medical team. You came to epitomize “Trust the process.” I so admired your faith and trust!

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I was gifted a number of experiences, ideas, and connections that prepared and supported me for the journey. Perhaps the trick is/was the awareness and willingness to grasp these gifts from God?

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I believe it was Edwin Boring, an early Harvard psychologist, that scoffed at what he labeled “The Great Man Theory” of events. He offered an alternate explanation for the practice: “Names and dates are just handles we place on the sleek sides of the train of history.”

Major discoveries used to be attributed to one inventor (Great Man). The truth in many instances was that other researchers around the world were responding to the Zeitgeist of science in their fields and, in time, would have reached the same conclusions. Was that Zeitgeist a product of God? Or that different scientists might tune in to the same thought train at about the same time? Getting too far away from Source seems to achieve exactly that. Too far away.

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You put me in mind of something I read from Anthony de Mello’s book Awakening.

Paraphrasing from memory… When we die, it is not ‘us’ who is remembered… only our name.

And Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic proposes ideas from (God) visit us and if we don’t act on them, they travel to another so that they can manifest.


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I use my grandmother's china often--I'll risk breakage knowing it was well-loved. As for dresses- I've tried to wear them casually because I do like how they look, but I haven't found a style and price that works for me. So it's a t-shirt with shorts or jeans for my me-est me. Also, that quote by Chekhov-- Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass--is classic "show don't tell" advice for writers. He does it so beautifully, doesn't he?

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I’ve never read any of Chekov’s books. There is so much out there to explore!

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I haven't either, Gail. I'm very poorly read, especially for an author!

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Poorly read? By whose standards?

I’d offer that you’ve likely read what you need in order to share your message with those who are ready to hear it.

How many people do you know who are willing to take the time to read Chekov these days?

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Thank you for that, Gail, and you're right--I've read what I needed to, and Chekov wasn't on my list, lol.

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Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.

~ Anton Chekhov

My favorite writers quote!

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Wedding China? Or a grandparent’s or parent’s? I just pictured (mind’s eye) dining from Chinet thick paper plates- plain or divided! 😳

Blueberry-lemon loaf cake does get tastier with time. Not unlike some people I know? Figuratively speaking of course, said the former cannibal.

The Muses’ character traits are well aligned this morning. Urania wants to be sure no dust sullies her slice! Tal is, well, quintessential Tal! A crumb here, a crumb there? Not to worry! Cal, as is her nature, dabs away a crumb, with her napkin, and offers a synthesis of this experience! Magically aligned with the Chekhov quote.

I kind of imagined a small piece of wedded sugar and zest in the lower, right corner of the pictured slice. Indeed a delicious nibble...

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I wish you could taste the lemon!

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Even a blueberry would do!

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Thank you for your appreciation!

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