Urania opens an oft untouched cabinet door. She shuns the dusty top of the stack and selects one below.
Crumbs stick to Thalia’s shiny gloss. “Is it meeeeeee? Or does this taste — yuuuuh-me-er?”
“Not just you…” Calliope dabs the corners of her smile with a napkin. “Deliciousness is a state of mind… and when we allow our senses to guide us to our preferences… tiny nibbles are delicacies.”
Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.
~ Anton Chekhov
Note from Loveletterist:
I have always loved classic style -- smart looking women with short haircuts dressed in a shift dress or an a-line. I've cycled through yoga pants, loose fitting boho styles, and shoulder pad trends, but I always come back to me-est me. Often on summer days I dress in a skirt or dress. I wear them to the dog park, the grocery... pulling weeds.
"You will delight some and disturb others."
Be the you-est you. Your senses will delight in it.