A note from LoveLetterist:

I once had a writing friend whose tagline was:

Why so serious?





In some ways it might have been a catalyst for Thalia's growth and Nia's loosening of her laces. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Are those pears 🍐 as good as they look?

Why so serious 🧐 is a great question!

Why do “WE” as adults, get so serious?

I’m now visualizing a kid eating a ripe juicy pear with pear juice running down their face without a care in the world, totally engrossed in the moment of eating the pear!

I can even hear them emphatically mmmm’ing! 😋

So yeah, why so serious indeed? 🤔

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Yes! Small and marred though they be, they are delicious!

It's easy to get glued to serious. Take it from one whose been there.

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I double dog dare you to eat a pear 🍐 and let the juice run down your chin! Extra points for a picture or video evidence! 🙌🏼😉🙌🏼

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I’ve already eaten my share of pears for one day. Maybe tomorrow. 😂

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Beam the outcome to me while I’m under general anesthesia! 😵‍💫

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Are you with me on this… there is something magical about being anesthetized! One second conscious, next second not. Then you wake up in recovery with a scratchy throat.

Maybe I’m weird, but I find it kind of peaceful. 🤷‍♀️

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YES! 🙌🏼

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I’ve shared with Gail that my face is in constant “smile turned upside down mode.” I observed that correcting that look would require far more face yoga days than I’m likely to muster. My wife and I celebrated our wedding anniversary at a fun restaurant. When wait staff brought the main course, Beth wanted to take a picture. That included me! Later as she reviewed her photos, she exclaimed, “See! You’re smiling in this one!” Well, not as downturned as usual = smile. 🤷🏽

Smile training in front of a mirror is hilarious! The other night on doing that I was certain I closely resembled Jack Nicholson on his role as The Joker! 😑

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This story, along with my imagined imagery, has me smiling with all teeth showing.

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Me too! 😁

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I don't know you but I'm laughing out loud. Thank you!

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I think we’d both concede that letters after our names and the number of same aren’t determinants of our worth as humans or required to possess a sense of humor. At an earlier age I was certain that PhD. after my name was my path. At the age of 6 I told a relative I wanted to be a firetruck when I grew up. He corrected me. “Fireman” he assured me was what I meant! “Nope” was my reply. Who wouldn’t want to be a firetruck?!

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Yes a firetruck! I love your 6 year old thinking... And all the ruckus it makes. :) Thank you.

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Why do “WE” as adults, get so serious? Yes, why do we?? My kiddos are helping with this but I do find myself having to be deliberate in "lighten up."

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I try not to spend much time regret. That said... I kinda wish I would have been a sillier parent. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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We as parents, and teachers, and neighbors, and relatives have the potential to influence children. Were there comedy shows or cartoons that Nathaniel watched? Or other “easy to laugh” folks he spent time around?

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Maybe? 🤷‍♀️ I’ll ask him what if any silliness he remembers from childhood.

I do remember putting on music and dancing around the house to shift one or the other of us out of a grumpy mood.

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Nice, nice, very nice. So many people in the same device. 😁

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Who had that great idea? 😂

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Psst! My favorite author, Kurt Vonnegut, extracted from the Book of Bokonon. The musical group, Ambrosia wrote nearly verbatim, lines from Cat’s Cradle, which portrays the Book of Bokonon.

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Vonnegut is your favorite author? I've read two of his books and have them on my shelf. Sci-fi is a stretch for my tastes.

My, my... I'm not even going to go near the rabbit holes you've sprinkled in your comment. 😂

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I love this! I have a sticky note that reads "Don't get your panties all in a bunch". Thank you for the laugh. I so need this and will write this quote down. :)

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Rule Number Six comes from a book called The Art of Possibility. I personally found the book to be a catalyst for personal growth. YouTube has lots of videos of Ben (and Rosamund too?) talking about different parts of the book. :)

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This is a great book and one I come back to often, especially last year when I need some optimism to propel me forward.

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The blushing pink cheeks of the pears are a perfect touch to Thalia’s verse. Do I see freckles, too?

Cal’s animated actions have me thinking? Crisp, fall air? Being surrounded by beauty? For that matter, is a “reason” even needed.

Rule 6 very likely applies here! I don’t believe I’ve heard anyone ask, “Why are you smiling and chuckling?”

At some point I hope to reach critical mass from the combined effects of 3MM, Gratitude Spaces, and the cosmos. Near constant smiling, even without the chuckles, would have driven my high school PE instructor over the edge! A smile is the best defense. 😁

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I watched a Thich Naht Hahn video once where he talked about his approach to any people. It was... sit quietly and wait for them to calm down.

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