Thalia ties her tongue. “Pee-trrr Pi-prrr picked a pehhhk of pretty pears. How mahh-nee pears did Pee-trrrr Pi-prrr pick?”
“Faster. Say it faster!” Cal claps. “Pink t-shirt pouch… pairs pleasingly with pretty pears.”
“Perfect practice —” Nia pulls on her patience pants, “— of Rule Number Six.”
Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans.
It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.
A note from LoveLetterist:
I once had a writing friend whose tagline was:
Why so serious?
In some ways it might have been a catalyst for Thalia's growth and Nia's loosening of her laces. 🤷🏻♀️
The blushing pink cheeks of the pears are a perfect touch to Thalia’s verse. Do I see freckles, too?
Cal’s animated actions have me thinking? Crisp, fall air? Being surrounded by beauty? For that matter, is a “reason” even needed.
Rule 6 very likely applies here! I don’t believe I’ve heard anyone ask, “Why are you smiling and chuckling?”
At some point I hope to reach critical mass from the combined effects of 3MM, Gratitude Spaces, and the cosmos. Near constant smiling, even without the chuckles, would have driven my high school PE instructor over the edge! A smile is the best defense. 😁