T-shirt: “My wife just stopped and said, ‘You weren’t even listening, were you?’ And I thought, ‘That is a very weird way to start a conversation.’” 😁
So now you know that gel pens and watercolors can interact. New possibilities await!
Not for art’s sake, I choose a ball point ink pen when there’s a chance of rain or wet hands touching the writing. As for masterpiece potential?🤔 Far more your province and within your creationist talents! I’d avoid mud puddles at least until warmer weather. 🙃
I’ve mentioned our dog, Izzie, is a capable mud creationist! The storm water pond near us, at low water levels, seems to invite her to wade right in. 😱 Deep and nasty! Weather aside, our garden hose is the only match for her condition. I try not to remember my own attraction to mud holes when I was young...
I experience that very thing many times a day! Between declines in my hearing and a sudden downturn in the performance of my hearing aids (new ones soon) my wife really has been talking without my hearing!
“People hearing without listening.” Simon & Garfunkel, Sounds of Silence.
T-shirt: “My wife just stopped and said, ‘You weren’t even listening, were you?’ And I thought, ‘That is a very weird way to start a conversation.’” 😁
So now you know that gel pens and watercolors can interact. New possibilities await!
Haha! What’s you say?
I think I’ve used watercolor over ball point and that ink didn’t run… 🤔
Is there a way to turn the mistake into a masterpiece ? 🤷♀️
Not for art’s sake, I choose a ball point ink pen when there’s a chance of rain or wet hands touching the writing. As for masterpiece potential?🤔 Far more your province and within your creationist talents! I’d avoid mud puddles at least until warmer weather. 🙃
That’s why I wear mud boots! 👍🏻
I’ve mentioned our dog, Izzie, is a capable mud creationist! The storm water pond near us, at low water levels, seems to invite her to wade right in. 😱 Deep and nasty! Weather aside, our garden hose is the only match for her condition. I try not to remember my own attraction to mud holes when I was young...
I experience that very thing many times a day! Between declines in my hearing and a sudden downturn in the performance of my hearing aids (new ones soon) my wife really has been talking without my hearing!
“People hearing without listening.” Simon & Garfunkel, Sounds of Silence.