A real head scratcher that! As if to say, “You’re only cancer free if you do it the right way.” Perhaps “my way?” You can correctly guess I’m quite glad you did it your way (and with the clinic team) and channeling your connection with the God of your understanding.
A real head scratcher that! As if to say, “You’re only cancer free if you do it the right way.” Perhaps “my way?” You can correctly guess I’m quite glad you did it your way (and with the clinic team) and channeling your connection with the God of your understanding.
A real head scratcher that! As if to say, “You’re only cancer free if you do it the right way.” Perhaps “my way?” You can correctly guess I’m quite glad you did it your way (and with the clinic team) and channeling your connection with the God of your understanding.
Me too! It was the necessary path for my healing.