
A note from Loveletterist:

No kidding!

Life is mysterious and amazing and lots of fun -- IF you'll play the game!

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

Or, as one of my old Navy chiefs used to say, "You're just going along, everything's fine, and then suddenly, the sh*t gets real."

(Actually, I guess he was in his late 30s. Well, I was 20-something at the time, he SEEMED much older...)

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I've been living more of my time in kairos than chronos these days. :)

Age is but a number!

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

“There’ll be time enough for counting

When the dealing’s done.”

Kenny Rogers

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

And these days we’ve been relegated to relic status! 😉

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relic=object of reverence

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

Relic joke:

Mr. Frog planned to marry his sweetheart and take her around the world on their honeymoon. Except he was penniless.

Mr. Frog proceeded to the bank to arrange a loan. He was directed to the loan officer, Mr. Paddiwack.

Mr. Paddiwack inquired about how the loan would be secured. Mr. Frog showed Mr. Paddiwack his fine collection of river tumbled stones that he spent years acquiring.

Mr. Paddiwack was shocked! Declaring the collection mere trinkets. Back and forth they argued, until the bank president heard the raised voices and entered the office. He firmly requested an explanation from Mr. Paddiwack

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge


Mr. Paddiwack explained what had happened, but the president quickly interjected: “It’s a Nick nack, Paddiwack, give the frog a loan.”

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Love it!

A mento of sorts from my days at Social Security called nicknacks 'kitsch'. For some reason... the new word stuck to me like glue. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I tried to keep my cubby kitsch-free. His name was... Gary!

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

LoveLetterist? Do you happen to know what type of oak tree is mother to these acorns? And while I’m searching for the foxhole du jour, why does Henny’s acorn have the stem nub turned down and the others all turn up? I can’t resist an opportunity to consider secret signaling. 🤔

Does the uppermost nut represent Thalia? The seeming “T” above the right eye led to the question. You’ve taught us to look for possibilities in your LoveLetters; it doesn’t always have to be an active link, right? 😊

Today’s link, “until we meet again,” made me wonder if you watched Roy Rogers and Dale Evans? “Happy trails to you... “. It seems tailor-made for the story about happy people, gnats, and mosquitoes! 😉 Do you whistle? Next time your paths cross you might whistle a few bars of Happy Trails!

Until the next foxhole, Happy Trails To You!

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I can tell a maple from an oak... but a white oak from a red oak or other oak varietal... not so much.

Well... we can manufacture some symbolism from Henny's upside-down oops? It was really a simple mistake on the artist's side. 🤭

I told Mike that I'd just read and shared a writing about one of our encounters. I told him about the word he shared with me from his notepad -- obsequious. He said he always writes interesting things down... or he forgets them.

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

I once knew a writer of fiction. I asked how she developed her skills? She mentioned an early workshop in which the students were given a simple object, like an acorn, from which they developed longer and longer storylines. In a way I must have been using that approach with today’s LoveLetter!

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I recently was reminded of a songwriter’s prompt. Select an object… connect it to 3-5 memories and then use metaphor and creative language to connect the physical with feeling.

I appreciate when readers build on muse-chatter!!! Thanks Gary!

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Speaking of Mysterious AND Amazing! 🌰


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Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 20, 2023Author

"I don't think people realize how much fun it is!" When the becorn craftsman said that I could totally relate.

I understand that just like becorns, muses aren't for everyone and yet... they fill me with joy.

The photos he takes are so awesome!!! How'd he get a becorn to ride a mouse???

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The lengths he goes to in acquiring his images is quite admirable! 🙌🏼

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

“Hours of training?” was my answer to Gail’s question “How’d he get a becorn to ride a mouse?”

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I absolutely adore them! I’m hoping he’s on IG so that I can follow!

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

Hours of training?

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

What a delightful video! The woman interviewing Mr. Bcorn is seemingly full of joy, a kid herself.

I picture you as a sort of Mr. Bcorn. Out traipsing the paths of discovering slices of life that brighten us and entertain.

We done. 😁

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Thanks Spangler! I was traipsing this morning before the sun graced us with her presence...

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