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I can tell a maple from an oak... but a white oak from a red oak or other oak varietal... not so much.

Well... we can manufacture some symbolism from Henny's upside-down oops? It was really a simple mistake on the artist's side. 🤭

I told Mike that I'd just read and shared a writing about one of our encounters. I told him about the word he shared with me from his notepad -- obsequious. He said he always writes interesting things down... or he forgets them.

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I once knew a writer of fiction. I asked how she developed her skills? She mentioned an early workshop in which the students were given a simple object, like an acorn, from which they developed longer and longer storylines. In a way I must have been using that approach with today’s LoveLetter!

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I recently was reminded of a songwriter’s prompt. Select an object… connect it to 3-5 memories and then use metaphor and creative language to connect the physical with feeling.

I appreciate when readers build on muse-chatter!!! Thanks Gary!

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