T-shirt: “Bad case of kleptomania? You should take something for it!” 😁
I haven’t done anything with t-shirts since a well-intentioned but less-than-successful computer-printed iron-on in the 1980s, but based on what I see in public, I am guessing that to design, upload, and order items must be fairly easy these days.
Looking forward to the results!
T-shirt: “Bad case of kleptomania? You should take something for it!” 😁
I haven’t done anything with t-shirts since a well-intentioned but less-than-successful computer-printed iron-on in the 1980s, but based on what I see in public, I am guessing that to design, upload, and order items must be fairly easy these days.
Inspired by the two shirts I’ve ordered from Jay Armstrong in support of Write On Fight On. It seems you can settle it up kind of like “print on demand” with shipping directly to purchasers. Urania’s got some research to do. First we draw!
T-shirt: “Bad case of kleptomania? You should take something for it!” 😁
I haven’t done anything with t-shirts since a well-intentioned but less-than-successful computer-printed iron-on in the 1980s, but based on what I see in public, I am guessing that to design, upload, and order items must be fairly easy these days.
Looking forward to the results!
My mom used iron-on patches to mend my clothes. 😂
Inspired by the two shirts I’ve ordered from Jay Armstrong in support of Write On Fight On. It seems you can settle it up kind of like “print on demand” with shipping directly to purchasers. Urania’s got some research to do. First we draw!