
A note from LoveLetterist:

This morning I want to thank all of the creators who offer not only inspiration...

but also tools

for me to write the chapters of my life.

I use CLIP2Comic to stylize images.

I use Substack to send letters to you.

I use Snapseed to crop and edit photos.

I use Zoom to connect.

I'm exploring Evernote to stay organized.

Every singe one of these tools will allow us to use them at no-cost level!

We live in a time of abundance.

Where are you exerting yourself?

Adding your unique flavor to the mix?

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I love that stylized image, Gail! And I love that you're thanking creators who enhance your creating. Right now, I thank the creators of Audacity, who have kept that software free for many, many years.

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Thanks for sharing Audacity with us — never heard of it.

Audio recording… What do you use it for?

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Recording my audiobook--my current creative venture!

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V. cool!!!

Curious to see where you take that! Will you put the audio version on something like Audible?

There is so much possibility in the world to explore!

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I am checking it out too! Thank you.

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Wow Gail! This painting is fabulous. I just love it. Way to keep at it and I love that you are sharing your progress with us. Thank you.

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Sharing fuels me to keep going. 😁

Yesterday a friend who received one of my postcards called to say thanks. I shared how much joy I get from them…

I create!

I share on 3mm!

I reach out!

And often — am rewarded with a text or call!

It’s a really bountiful way to practice out loud!

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I love that watercolor!!!!

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🤭 me too!

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Feb 1Liked by 3musesmerge

For inexplicable reasons, I see you seated at a massive pipe organ in a Gothic cathedral!! Pumping the pedals. Adjusting stops. All contributing to amazing results.

I also am curious about Thalia’s drawn out wooorrds? Do you speak them, out loud or in your brain’s ear, to evaluate their impact? Subtract a vowel, add a consonant? Somewhat like setting stops on the pipe organ?

The willingness to grow your skill set amazes me. In one moment saying, “I need to give this a try.” Then after experimenting with what, if any, help it portends, saying, “Nah.” Yes, a wise woman can and should change her mind! 😊

Psst! How did that mushroom show up in your art today? Leftover pizza? I think Cal’s observation “Aren’t all new chapters... informed by something... that came before” answers my question. Einstein’s modesty, while in possession of a fabulous brain, sets a good standard with his remark.


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Some days the pieces come together like magic!

Thalia’s linguistics are like everything else she does… improvised in the moment.

Mushroom? 😂

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Spangler... I think we need to get you some new glasses 👓 I think you’re referring to the pencil ✏️ shaving... This is a mushroom 🍄!


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Thank you for answering Gary. I had no idea what he was referencing as a mushroom! 😂

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Feb 2Liked by 3musesmerge

Bobby aptly suggested that new glasses seemed to be indicated. As I replied to Bobby I noted I’m waiting for an appointment! Still 2 months down the road. I learned that kneeling on my glasses is not in my best interests.

And so it goes, as Kurt Vonnegut would say. Another day, another Ooops! 🤭

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Interesting that your wait time for an appointment is so long!

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Feb 2Liked by 3musesmerge

My wait time to see a dentist is 6 months. Two factors for this are the continued growth of the state’s population combined with medical schools not keeping step with the demand. When I saw my hematologist/oncologist he noted that the practice had 10 vacancies for doctors, few of which had received any applications. Friends report similar wait times. 🤷🏽

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At one point in my treatment, my clinic had lost 3 oncologists for various reasons and the ones remaining were surely stretched.

I'm also aware of challenges with nurses... and how facilities are riding gaps in staffing with traveling nurses (who get paid way more than the nurses on staff?).

I'm reminded of a quote from Annie Dillard about rolling up our sleeves to move back the boundaries of the humanly possible once more. We've no shortage of them!

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Feb 1Liked by 3musesmerge

A second look is consistent with a pencil shaving. I won’t dare ask about pencil shavings having stems. 🤔

You are absolutely right about the glasses part too. An inadvertent maneuver - kneeling on my glasses - has me wearing a 2-generation older pair (correction for astigmatism?) until a far forward appointment with an ophthalmologist. That skill set is due to some leftover wonkiness from cataract surgery 10 YA. All of which is a winning combination for interesting interpretations of visual data. 🤭

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I love how creative it’s making you! Your imagination is now heightened.

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It’s time to order new cards! My second box is nearly used up.

There does seem to be something inspiring about the size and ability to send them on to another that makes them Goldilocks-right-sized for my current needs.

So grateful that you introduced them to me!

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Feb 1Liked by 3musesmerge

That’s how I feel, too. Thanks for commenting, Sharon.

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