“Wehhlll! Well, well, well!” Thalia bathes in the light of exploration and feels freedom away from the exact lines of realism. “Today’s image might not be a Monet or a Day-gahhhhhh — but it was fuhhhhn to paint!”
“It’s —” Nia loosens her grip, “a Boenning original.”
“Truly…” Calliope looks out into a dark morning where moonlight dances on snow. “Aren’t all new chapters… informed by something… that came before?”
A hundred times a day I remind myself that my life depends on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give, in measure as I have received, and am still receiving.
~Albert Einstein
A note from LoveLetterist:
This morning I want to thank all of the creators who offer not only inspiration...
but also tools
for me to write the chapters of my life.
I use CLIP2Comic to stylize images.
I use Substack to send letters to you.
I use Snapseed to crop and edit photos.
I use Zoom to connect.
I'm exploring Evernote to stay organized.
Every singe one of these tools will allow us to use them at no-cost level!
We live in a time of abundance.
Where are you exerting yourself?
Adding your unique flavor to the mix?
Wow Gail! This painting is fabulous. I just love it. Way to keep at it and I love that you are sharing your progress with us. Thank you.