Your words just prompted the memory of my Grandad saying, “It all depends on whose ox is getting the horns put to it.” Lacking any sense of “travel” his saying still made me begin to consider reciprocity.
Not so much. Though Lee’s is a powerful message. His seems a message on being aware and personally responsible. Kurt’s seemed to encourage being present and aware to help us see the facts of a situation and not just our own viewpoint.
It’s always worth noting that whatever comes from my point of view is just that. Well, probably not when I quote Shakespeare or Socrates or Rumi or W. C. Field’s…
As I listen to myself speaking out loud in more public places, I’m aware of how often I say “for me”.
I do this because as I have become aware that we all have unique experiences and interpretations, I do not want to be known as an authority on anything beyond my own life. And even sometimes that’s questionable. 🤭
This is in direct disagreement with an article I read long ago that advised against using qualifying statements like “for me”.
I would consider that qualifier (not disclaimer) as a necessity. Unless seeking the adoring following by lemmings. “By attraction, not promotion” appears in the Big Book to convey a proper sense of how current members might attract new members. Humility is a part of connection as well. Keep doin’ what you’re doin’ and you’ll keep gettin’ what you’re gettin’.
I had a recognition this morning of the spaces and places I am growing into... where it is less like shouting into the void and more like inviting friends to share a cup of tea.
A note from LoveLetterist:
My dad often says, "Remember... The road runs both ways."
There is a lot in that phrase!
It doesn't only apply to physical travel?
Does it serve as a metaphor... for connectication?
Your words just prompted the memory of my Grandad saying, “It all depends on whose ox is getting the horns put to it.” Lacking any sense of “travel” his saying still made me begin to consider reciprocity.
Do you see a connection between your grandad’s idiom and Bruce Lee’s — Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one (life).
Not so much. Though Lee’s is a powerful message. His seems a message on being aware and personally responsible. Kurt’s seemed to encourage being present and aware to help us see the facts of a situation and not just our own viewpoint.
Thank you for the clarification!
I appreciate hearing your interpretations. :)
It’s always worth noting that whatever comes from my point of view is just that. Well, probably not when I quote Shakespeare or Socrates or Rumi or W. C. Field’s…
And I yours, Gail.
As I listen to myself speaking out loud in more public places, I’m aware of how often I say “for me”.
I do this because as I have become aware that we all have unique experiences and interpretations, I do not want to be known as an authority on anything beyond my own life. And even sometimes that’s questionable. 🤭
This is in direct disagreement with an article I read long ago that advised against using qualifying statements like “for me”.
I would consider that qualifier (not disclaimer) as a necessity. Unless seeking the adoring following by lemmings. “By attraction, not promotion” appears in the Big Book to convey a proper sense of how current members might attract new members. Humility is a part of connection as well. Keep doin’ what you’re doin’ and you’ll keep gettin’ what you’re gettin’.
I had a recognition this morning of the spaces and places I am growing into... where it is less like shouting into the void and more like inviting friends to share a cup of tea.
It's all good!