I would consider that qualifier (not disclaimer) as a necessity. Unless seeking the adoring following by lemmings. “By attraction, not promotion” appears in the Big Book to convey a proper sense of how current members might attract new members. Humility is a part of connection as well. Keep doin’ what you’re doin’ and you’ll keep gettin’ what you’re gettin’.
I would consider that qualifier (not disclaimer) as a necessity. Unless seeking the adoring following by lemmings. “By attraction, not promotion” appears in the Big Book to convey a proper sense of how current members might attract new members. Humility is a part of connection as well. Keep doin’ what you’re doin’ and you’ll keep gettin’ what you’re gettin’.
I had a recognition this morning of the spaces and places I am growing into... where it is less like shouting into the void and more like inviting friends to share a cup of tea.
I would consider that qualifier (not disclaimer) as a necessity. Unless seeking the adoring following by lemmings. “By attraction, not promotion” appears in the Big Book to convey a proper sense of how current members might attract new members. Humility is a part of connection as well. Keep doin’ what you’re doin’ and you’ll keep gettin’ what you’re gettin’.
I had a recognition this morning of the spaces and places I am growing into... where it is less like shouting into the void and more like inviting friends to share a cup of tea.
It's all good!