Birch bark? Glad you said — I thought it was yet another creative medium y'all had crafted! ("Sure put a lot of effort into making it look weathered," thought I. 🤪) And the thing that looks like a rock is a... rock? (See, now you I've started asking questions instead of making assumptions!)

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Yuppers. A heart shaped rock. 💜

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I kid about having “advanced vision.” While I had cataract surgery about 8 years ago, the real advance has been my age! 😬

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Years ago I worked on a commercial construction project. The superintendent was well past 70 and had worked in the field for all his life. At lunch he’d sometimes get an odd-looking tool from his truck, showing it to all and asking if anyone knew its name and function. “No” and “no” was the usual result.

With a quizzical brow she asks, “And?”

Today’s image I found mystifying at first glance. The birch bark took a second look. There appeared to be a “glass snake lizard” projecting from the leaves above the heart (that had me scratching my head).

Ruling out the lizard was a good starting point. And like an NFL referee, I thought “After further review, the stone is a heart.”

Thanks for the Nice News prompt. With so much of the other variety, keep the supply flowing like a river!

The quote by Peter Ellyard reminded me of “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” (Not verbatim, ver noggin’)

Don’t worry about a chance meeting with a glass snake lizard. Tell The Muses they are harmless, but have very fragile tails! Prone to break off if picked up by same. 😊

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Wish I'd slowed down and re-taken the photo so that the words were crystal clear. It seems the iPhone's focusing ability is limited... can't see everything clearly at once. 🤷🏻‍♀️ With my own awareness and effort, I COULD have captured a more pleasing result.

Glass snake lizard? 😂 Huh! Never would have thought of that...

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