Thalia caps the fuscia fushcia fuchsia felt tip. “A-eeeee! Such a frustrating word to spell! Didn’t I tell ya that piece of shed birch bark would come in haaaaan-dee!”
“You did.” Nia puts a palmful of dog treats and a lightly used tissue back into the pocket they were pulled from.
“Kinda like…” Calliope swipes tabletop crumbs into her palm and drops them into Henny’s bowl, “…today’s edition of Nice News. Almost every story reminds us of someone… so we forward them on.”
“Laura gets the gentling wild horses article —” Tal pretends she’s holding reins, “Remember when she taught us how to hold a solid posture — to encourage Jazz to trot?”
“Heather receives the experimental treatment for smell loss piece —” Nia’s nostrils inhale coffee scented steam. “Has it been two years since she had Covid?”
“And Janet… Let’s send her the post of the day… about an upcoming book release.” Cal’s fingers trace spines on a shelf. “Didn’t she tell us she’s reading a book about about building friendships as an adult?”
“Gifts… from one friend to another.”
The future is not someplace we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths to it are not found, but made; and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination.
~ Peter Ellyard
Birch bark? Glad you said — I thought it was yet another creative medium y'all had crafted! ("Sure put a lot of effort into making it look weathered," thought I. 🤪) And the thing that looks like a rock is a... rock? (See, now you I've started asking questions instead of making assumptions!)
Years ago I worked on a commercial construction project. The superintendent was well past 70 and had worked in the field for all his life. At lunch he’d sometimes get an odd-looking tool from his truck, showing it to all and asking if anyone knew its name and function. “No” and “no” was the usual result.
With a quizzical brow she asks, “And?”
Today’s image I found mystifying at first glance. The birch bark took a second look. There appeared to be a “glass snake lizard” projecting from the leaves above the heart (that had me scratching my head).
Ruling out the lizard was a good starting point. And like an NFL referee, I thought “After further review, the stone is a heart.”
Thanks for the Nice News prompt. With so much of the other variety, keep the supply flowing like a river!
The quote by Peter Ellyard reminded me of “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” (Not verbatim, ver noggin’)
Don’t worry about a chance meeting with a glass snake lizard. Tell The Muses they are harmless, but have very fragile tails! Prone to break off if picked up by same. 😊