A note from LoveLetterist:

4th Muses: What are you setting your stage for?

I had no ideas for today's letter.

I messed up girl's ponytail.

And therein arrived my opportunity!

Is this the difference between showing up... and not showing up?

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Poly here. When I lack inspiration I often look to Nature for a prompt. Rising sun, an unusual bird song, gusts of wind that sway the trees. There’s even contagion with Izzie’s exuberance as she looks here, sniffs there, and lets her tongue hang out in joy! A study in presence helps re-center my thoughts and feelings. I don’t recommend the tongue gesture in polite company…

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Over the last 7 years I have leaned heavily on Nature for inspiration!

This morning I wrote a poem about a red-winged blackbird encounter I experienced yesterday! That was a heavy front runner for today’s letter and yet… that is not where we landed.

Thanks Polymnia for reminding us that when we are present the next step often appears.

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My Scribe is setting the stage to cleanse his Kokoro! He is also creating a new relationship with time… ☺️🙌🏼☺️

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A new relationship with time… 🤔

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Terpsi - Hey Serenity are you reading chapter 4?

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And Chapter 5 tonight! #Kokoro ☺️

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Here is Euterpe...setting the stage for a dedication cape flying high as we hit the country roads for 13.1 miles. Heroes carry me step by step.

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Thirteen point one miles

Tribute cape lightens each step

Euterpe adds wings

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Beautiful. May I add your name Gail to the cape?

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Sure! Thank you for asking.

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Great! Thank you. You'll help me to the finish!

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I’ll make Cal, Tal, and Nia flap double time! 🤭

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Excellent! :)

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Terpsi- Even if there's no music I can still dance.

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Thank you Terpsi!

Can we note when the music has stopped (or worse...when it becomes a cacophony of discordance) and listen to/for the sounds of nature?

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I foresee some wrinkles in doing your hair in a ponytail style. At least today. 🙃 Tal’s remark on tying bows reminded me of tying the ties on a hospital gown in preparation for the procedure upcoming. I’ve switched to tying the bows before pulling the gown over my head. Fine tuning sometimes required.

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Well there’s some innovation! I never thought of tying the bows before putting the gown on. 🤭

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