Share this post3musesmergegroomingCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoregrooming3musesmergeApr 15, 20249Share this post3musesmergegroomingCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMore19ShareimaginedThe best things and best people rise out of their separateness; I’m against a homogenized society because I want the cream to rise.~Robert FrostPreviousNext
A note from LoveLetterist:
4th Muses: What are you setting your stage for?
I had no ideas for today's letter.
I messed up girl's ponytail.
And therein arrived my opportunity!
Is this the difference between showing up... and not showing up?
Here is Euterpe...setting the stage for a dedication cape flying high as we hit the country roads for 13.1 miles. Heroes carry me step by step.