The blessings that come from the sky, some might find to be a nuisance. I look at the snow and rain as a much needed cleanse and replenisher. (It may not be a word in the dictionary, but it should be ;)

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Replenisher is not in the dictionary? Hmmm. Isn’t it wonderful to be a writer who makes up her own words? 🤓

I can imagine myself with a different perspective if I had to hit rush hour traffic in the snow.

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The Great Mystery AND The Great Replenisher!


Nice one Pennie!

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“Can you admire the world… as it admires you?”


What a great question to consider... For me, the answer is a definite YES! This morning, my friend Chris said “It’s like the moon is your neighbor!”

My reply:

We are definitely friends!

He was commenting on some early morning moon set pictures from The Red Rock National Conservation Area that I shared with him.

I believe the world 🌎 was admiring my commitment to capture some of its beauty and my reward came in the form of the pictures I took!

I was #Grateful AND I now have a lasting memory in the form of the picture I captured as a reminder of this December Cold 🥶🌕🥶 Moon experience...


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My house having burned down, I can now see the moon. My apologies to whoever originated the quote — for I don’t recall his name. I DO remember how the idea hit me like a ton of bricks the first time I heard it!

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"Isn't it rich, aren't we a pair. Me here at last on the ground, you in midair." Judy Collins

Some days it seems that way as I read your posts/love letters. You dish up a lead, and I take the bait. (I, master of mixed metaphors!) And here's what I found for that quote: Mizuta Masahide, samuri and poet, wrote that in the 17th century. His wording is: "Barn's burnt down--now I can see the moon." The huffpost entry referred to it as a Haiku? Quite naturally, many additional comments followed, including one by a writer on Medium from March 2014, Martin Pigg. As a personal trainer/life coach, he uses PIGG to represent Passion, Intention, Gratitude, and Grace.

The Universe is conspiring! It seems you are a co-conspirator. And I? A follower, or at least willing to take a peek from time to time. Many thanks. Many blessings.

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You sure research like a champ!

Thanks for all of the info!

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Snow is the theme for my day today. I didn't know that when I got out of bed this morning. Since then I've seen pictures and comments from some folks in my Twitter nest about cold temperatures and snow from Ukraine, the EU, Netherlands, Finland, Norway, and our Pacific Northwest. Now, a beautiful image of a snow-laden branch and a backdrop of a snowy yard or field! All conducive to memories of my winters when I was growing up in Pennsylvania. Perhaps that's why I'm listening to classical Christmas carols?

I love your stimulating question about admiring the world as it admires us! My sense of "higher power" reflects what many Native Americans defined as God. "Everything." Animate and inanimate. Rocks, mountains, lakes & rivers, and of course more obvious living things. Trees, animals, people. I feel strong connections with nature, largely due to being raised by my dad to learn about and respect the outdoors and the creatures therein.

Hooded Mergansers start arriving around this time of year in Tallahassee, and I feel a connection with them. Some of that arises from being migratory waterfowl. Seeing a much bigger slice of the world than I in a typical year. I often joke about quantum physics and the implications for connectivity. Something along those lines must account for my connection with wildlife; it feels reciprocal.

So thanks ever so much for such an apropos post today!

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Twitter “nest” — I’ve never heard it called that before. Love it!

Hooded Mergansers are lookers — male and female. 😍

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