Sep 16, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Ha-ha. The recording stopped before you could say, “Kaleidoscope!” I would not have guessed that in a month of Sundays. Alternates like Flight, Flutter, Rabble, and Swarm also appeared in my search.

Yellow Sulphurs, as seen in your picture, are also in this part of north Florida. Perhaps more so during our fall months. I sense an impending crescendo with fall’s arrival. Wildflowers of all shapes and colors. Birds ready to migrate south stocking up on berries, insects, amphibians, and small fish.

Monarch butterflies group up in a national refuge south of us on the coast, leaving some bushes looking like festive decorations! New bird calls appear as northern summer dwellers arrive to winter over here.

Does your state have an official butterfly? Ours is the Zebra Longwing. The complexity, intricacy, and beauty of our ecosystems is a treasure I cherish. Apologies for the Audubon Society plug. I took another look at Zebra Longwings and discovered the adults lay eggs on Passion Flower vines, which contain toxins. The caterpillars consume the vines and leaves, making the adults toxic to predators!😱

Wonderful prompt, Gail! Happy marketing.

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Sign: “Taxes are the subscription cost for the country you live in. (Childhood is the free trial.)” 😁

Being able to scatter a cloud of butterflies? What could be more fun?

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