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Shoot! The recording stopped! How’d that happen? (I don’t expect you to answer that.)

In a recent edition of The Marginalian there is a transcript of Jad Abumrad’s commencement speech at Caltech. In it, he talks about kaleidoscopes of Monarchs — how their 3000 mile migration is made up of 3 to 4 generations. Wow! In case you are interested: https://www.themarginalian.org/2022/06/17/jad-abumrad-caltech-commencement/

Yellow Sulphur! Thanks for the ID.

Isn’t nature fascinating?


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Abstruse is an apt description of some of my utterances. Wired that way?

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Takes one to know one?

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You communicate clear as a bell. So appreciated. I was going to say you elucidate very well, but a quick check on spelling says use of that word is “pretentious.” 🤷🏽

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I like elucidate… and many other pretentious words. When I use them now, I let the muses define them and/or read from the dictionary. 😃

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During my 3rd year of graduate school, for my therapy practicing (I was the therapizer) my supervisor, after reading case notes, commented, “Eschew obfuscation!” I think that served as the segue to our discussing Occam’s Razor. A natural pairing? 😉

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I’m not sure what this means!!! Can you simplify?

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Wow again I say! I waded through all that is Occam, or Ockham, from your Brittanica link. Much abstruse information!🤷🏽 At its most basic, non-theological meaning Occam said, Don’t invent a more complicated process or theory if a simpler one suffices. Eschew obfuscation! Much of the theological rub, with Pope John XXII, who ex-communicated him, arose from Occam’s Franciscan instruction. St Francis lived and modeled an austere way of living. The fewer possessions the better. At some point Occam wrote a treatise saying the Franciscan disavowal of unnecessary possessions was the view that should be embraced throughout the Catholic Church, Popes included. He further suggested that all practicing Catholics had as much say over property issues as the Pope and his Bishops. Boom! Out the door with Occam!!

While he advocated for adopting the simplest explanations that were thorough and accurate, restraint of tongue and pen may have been a weak suit! 😂

This has been a sort of a jump start for my foggy brain. Thanks for your engagement on this, Gail. I/Thou.

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I don’t know much (anything?) about St. Francis. He was a minimalist? I can only imagine the pope’s and church’s reaction to downsizing!

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“Lord, make me a channel of thy peace.” Same person/Saint. I watched an old movie quite a while back that focused on his life and struggles. Seems it was shot in black and white? While I recall there being followers (not unlike Jesus and his disciples), the key parts showed St Francis living a spartan existence. Winter scenes with him exposed to the elements, for example. Not an inherently uplifting experience for this viewer. If the storyline was at all accurate, then yes he would have been Pope John XXII’ nightmare.

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Speaking as someone who knows little about the history of religion… it seems to me I’ve heard both the Franciscans and Jesuits have promoted ideas that lie outside the scope of Rome?

Anthony de Mello, a Jesuit, is a writer whose work I appreciate. And, Richard Rohr, a Franciscan. 🤷‍♀️ I just checked… Pope Francis is a Jesuit.

Have you watched The Two Popes on Netflix? https://youtu.be/T5OhkFY1PQE

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We don’t subscribe to Netflix. I can check for another streaming source. Pope Francis a Jesuit? That seems consistent with some of his positions since assuming the papacy. I think I can hear the tut-tutting of certain Bishops as we speak! 🙃

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I called the outing to the grocery store that! Apologies. Some of that is a wistful view of European countries in which the daily trip to market was just how that worked. Fresh produce. Fresh protein, fish or fowl. No unnecessary packaging. Smell the carrots. Squeeze the loaf of bread to determine freshness. We’re you doing any of that today? 😁

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Ahhh! I love the idea of picking up fresh groceries every day, but I also appreciate the convenience of a stocked pantry and fridge. We learn what we live?

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Indeed! We now are so much more time conscious. All the appliances to save time. So we can do ever more. I like my electric mixer... refrigerator... range... water heater. Almost forgot the washer and dryer! Growing up I learned my dad’s parents used a gas-engine Maytag washing machine. My mom used a wringer type washing machine (no safety guards) and a pair of rinse tubs. Then hung the wash out to dry in good weather, in the basement otherwise. I really like my washer/dryer!

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