“After discipline has mastered a form,” said Nia, “… she is free to improvise.”
As they paddled off into the lake, sunlight bouncing off the water, creating compelling mirages, they celebrated life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!
Who’s on board with that mission?!
Have tons of fun!!!
My husband might come and give it a try today!
BUTTON: “SHENANIGATOR: a person who instigates shenanigans.” 😁
Since Bobby mentioned making up words, and Gail mentioned (by implication) yoga poses on a paddle board...
I suspect this new word of yours describes you! 😂
Indeed! Or should I say, INDEED!!! 😂
Question? Does free to improvise also mean free to make up words? Asking for a friend?
I see you kind of made one up and that’s what inspired me to ask for a friend…
I know it wasn’t intentional and I’m also wondering if that matters? 🤔
I looked up netarine and came up with no results…
And since we had a previous discussion on this topic, I knew it was a “slip of the pen” if you will…
That’s when the pen is traveling faster than the CPU…
Ok, I’ll await your reply, “for my friend.” 😉
PS, it appears you are not alone… 😎
“It’s not that life is one damn thing after another — it’s one damn thing over and over.” Edna St. Vincent Millay
I might write and publish “new words” and crazy punctuation for the rest of my life. 😂
The joys and travails of sharing a bounty of unedited words every day!
Now that I have found my voice it flows forth without (too much) care for perfection — one of my faults that makes me loveable?
As they paddled off into the lake, sunlight bouncing off the water, creating compelling mirages, they celebrated life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!
Who’s on board with that mission?!
Have tons of fun!!!
My husband might come and give it a try today!
BUTTON: “SHENANIGATOR: a person who instigates shenanigans.” 😁
Since Bobby mentioned making up words, and Gail mentioned (by implication) yoga poses on a paddle board...
I suspect this new word of yours describes you! 😂
Indeed! Or should I say, INDEED!!! 😂
Question? Does free to improvise also mean free to make up words? Asking for a friend?
I see you kind of made one up and that’s what inspired me to ask for a friend…
I know it wasn’t intentional and I’m also wondering if that matters? 🤔
I looked up netarine and came up with no results…
And since we had a previous discussion on this topic, I knew it was a “slip of the pen” if you will…
That’s when the pen is traveling faster than the CPU…
Ok, I’ll await your reply, “for my friend.” 😉
PS, it appears you are not alone… 😎
“It’s not that life is one damn thing after another — it’s one damn thing over and over.” Edna St. Vincent Millay
I might write and publish “new words” and crazy punctuation for the rest of my life. 😂
The joys and travails of sharing a bounty of unedited words every day!
Now that I have found my voice it flows forth without (too much) care for perfection — one of my faults that makes me loveable?