“After discipline has mastered a form,” said Nia, “… she is free to improvise.”
“Yes!” Thalia hooted. “We’ve got some yoga poses in our proverbial pockets. We’re learning how to paddleboard. Soon we’ll be hand-standing on the water!”
“Not so fast!” Cal protested. “When transplanting a seedling, choose a pot size that encourages growth… but does not overwhelm. Can we please just focus on our transitions between kneeling and standing today?”
Words from Typist:
The sun is shining.
It’s hot.
The lake calls.
This morning I read: Do not be afraid to be different from other people.
The muses and I bobble and wobble.
We’re grateful that Robert Frost told us about The Road Not Taken.
As they paddled off into the lake, sunlight bouncing off the water, creating compelling mirages, they celebrated life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!
Who’s on board with that mission?!
Have tons of fun!!!