Examining today’s art I see another advantage to being an artist: you can have a cat without having a cat!
I would add that unpacked boxes have become a phase of mile markers in my life. My boxes. My not unpacking... 🤷🏽
My-My! 😔
Mariboli’s quote always brings a chuckle. A person on Twitter whom I follow has that saying woven into her bio. Twitter creatives come in all shapes and sizes. Some cuss more than others...
Lastly and certainly my favorite, is Cal’s succinct summation of today’s thought provocation. Kudos! Bring on the creative updrafts. The music has some catching up to do. I may just have to bang on my drum all day.🪘
Examining today’s art I see another advantage to being an artist: you can have a cat without having a cat!
I would add that unpacked boxes have become a phase of mile markers in my life. My boxes. My not unpacking... 🤷🏽
My-My! 😔
Mariboli’s quote always brings a chuckle. A person on Twitter whom I follow has that saying woven into her bio. Twitter creatives come in all shapes and sizes. Some cuss more than others...
Lastly and certainly my favorite, is Cal’s succinct summation of today’s thought provocation. Kudos! Bring on the creative updrafts. The music has some catching up to do. I may just have to bang on my drum all day.🪘
Have a cat without having a cat!
I would have another cat if my housemates weren’t so allergic. 🤷♀️
Hmmm… unpacking boxes can be time consuming. And emotional work. Can you afford Marie Kondo to come in and take care of the boxes. 🤔
Other people cussing doesn’t bother me, and yet I try not to cuss (especially in print) much.
Now I have the song in my head!